"Earth, the only planet with free choice in the Milky Way Galaxy"

“.. A billion years ago, they (Pleiadians) went through a change and they went through a shift, and they had free choice. Back then, they were the only planet that did in their time, and eventually they went through a metamorphosis of consciousness. ”

“.. So again, we tell you that the ones who came to help seed you approximately 100,000 to 200,000 Earth years ago were the Pleiadians who had gone into graduate status and who had changed consciousness. They had become quantum with free choice, and you have parts of their DNA within you. ..”

“..You're surrounded by divine beings who keep you safe and will continue while this planet of only free choice – the only one at the moment – makes its decision. You're turning the corner of consciousness and they all know it, for they've all been through it and they remember it. Oh dear ones, consciousness is volatile! You've seen it change so slowly, but it's about to change faster. It's not going to take generations and generations as in the past. Instead, you're going to see real-time changes. Humans won't wait to have children for them to grow up and have children. ..”

"The Quantum Factor" – Apr 10, 2011 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Galaxies, Universe, Intelligent design, Benevolent design, Aliens, Nikola Tesla (Quantum energy), Inter-Planetary Travel, DNA, Genes, Stem Cells, Cells, Rejuvenation, Shift of Human Consciousness, Spontaneous Remission, Religion, Dictators, Africa, China, Nuclear Power, Sustainable Development, Animals, Global Unity.. etc.) - (Text Version)

“.. In time, the quantum factor will be discovered on this planet. When it is, it will be highly controversial, and it's going to fly in the face of logic and 3D and the way things work via the scientific method. The ramp-up to all this is difficult. The old souls in front of me have signed on to work this new energy and they've waded through lifetimes, just waiting for this. What would you do as a scientist if the experiments before you had "a mind of their own"? What would you think if magnetics, gravity and light could only be assembled in a certain way that created healing and never a destructive alignment? All this is going to redefine some of the basic forces in the Universe. Intelligent design is only the first, and even today many astronomers and physicists still think it's an anomaly. 

That will be the next largest discovery on the planet. It's been held back from you because it takes a higher vibrating consciousness to create and understand it. When any planet discovers a quantum energy and is able to use it, you could go to that planet and know that you will meet high-consciousness entities. This has never been given to you before that, for within the quantum factor contains the secret of interplanetary travel using large, entangled states. There are ways of doing things you never thought could happen. You can throw away your rocket ships. You're on the edge of that.  ..”

“… And so, dear Human Being, you have the ability to start to return to an energy that you thought you'd lost, where Human beings are allowed to live longer and it doesn't destroy the environment. They don't overcrowd themselves because they can control it through their minds instead of laws... and through wisdom.

Some day you'll meet the star seeds, your Pleiadian sisters and brothers. They're even here now, since they are quantum. You've got Pleiadian ancestors who live a very, very long time in a graduate situation in a planet that went through the test just like yours. And it developed a quantum factor. They have benevolence and they have quantum energy. That's how they get here instantly and return, and they'll never interrupt your free choice. That's also why they don't land and say hello. Instead, they sit and cheer on the sidelines for what you've finally done. They are waiting with you to celebrate the December solstice of 2012... the half way point of the 36 year shift you are in. …”

"Demystifying the future" + "Physics in the next 500 years"(#) - May 16-17, 2014 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (#) (This channel will become a historical channel in the future, prove that Kryon is a real communication from the Creative Source/God to Humanity - "Our Family") - (Text version "Physics in the next 500 years")

1 To seea nd measure multi-dimensional/quantum physics, instrument (super-cooling quantum plasma lens)

2 Two more laws of multi-dimensional physics revealed: explanation of dark matter & acknowledgement of free energy (controlling mass)

3 God in the atom. God has - provable - part in physics. Intelligent/benevolent design. (Will bring religion and science together)

4 Human Consciousness is an attribute of physics. (Pleiadians - Humans ancestors / Humans free choice only planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. Other galaxies have their own spiritual systems and physics)

5 Coherent DNA. Multidimensional DNA coherent between dimensions will give Enhanced DNA

The Key to Life is Balance

The Key to Life is Balance

Blossom Goodchild and White Cloud Live! (12 November 2020)

ABSOLUTE PROOF THE CHANGE HAS BEGUN. Blossom and White Cloud speak.

UFO's / ET's

UFO's / ET's
One of the first of many UFO photographs taken by Carlos Diaz-Mexico.
Lee Carroll is an American channeller, speaker and author.
Originally an audio engineer, Carroll claims that he began to channel communication with an entity from a higher dimension called Kryon in 1989. He describes Kryon as an angelic loving entity from the Source (or "Central Sun") who has been with the Earth "since the beginning" and belonging to the same "Family" of Archangel Michael.
The information he publishes, both printed and online, is intended to help humans ascend to a higher vibrational level.

Greg Braden "If we are honest, truthful, considerate, caring and compassionate, if we live this each day, we have already prepared for whatever could possibly come on 2012 or any other day, any other year, any time in our future."

The annual Perseid meteor shower

The annual Perseid meteor shower
Google: The annual Perseid meteor shower is happening now in today’s doodle on our home page. (11 Aug 2014)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Kids rarely apply nutrition lessons

Belief, behavior diverge, studies find

By Martha Mendoza, The Associated Press

Dailynews.com, 07/04/2007 09:34:50 PM PDT

PANORAMA CITY - The federal government will spend more than $1 billion this year on some healthy snacks and nutrition education - videos of dancing fruit and hundreds of hours of lively lessons about how great you will feel if you eat well.

But an Associated Press review of scientific studies examining 57 such programs found mostly failure. Just four showed any real success against the growing epidemic of childhood obesity.

"Any person looking at the published literature about these programs would have to conclude that they are generally not working," said Dr. Tom Baranowski, a pediatrics professor and nutrition researcher at Houston's Baylor College of Medicine.

The results have been disappointing, to say the least:

Last year a major federal pilot program offering free fruits and vegetables to fifth-graders showed the children became less willing to eat them than they had been at the start. Apparently they didn't like the taste.

In Pennsylvania, researchers went so far as to give prizes to schoolchildren who ate fruits and vegetables. That worked while the prizes were offered, but when the researchers came back seven months later, the kids had reverted to their original snacks:

In studies of schoolchildren who say they are eating better or exercising more, researchers usually find no change in blood pressure, body size or cholesterol measures. The children want to eat better, and might even think they're doing so, but they're not.

Knowing is not doing

The studies don't tell Leticia Jenkins, a teacher at Vista Middle School in Panorama City, anything she doesn't know. She's one of the bravest teachers in America - not because she gave 30 sharp knives to her students in seventh and eighth grades to chop tomatoes, onions, jalape os and limes for a lesson on salsa and nutrition, but because she understands the futility of what she is trying to do.

"Oh, it's so hard, because at the end of the day sometimes I take a moment. I think, gosh, I did all this, and we still see them across the street picking up the doughnuts and the coffee drinks," she said.

Since the 1970s, obesity rates have nearly quintupled nationally among children ages 6 to 11 and tripled among teens and children ages 2 to 5, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

The medical consequences of obesity in the U.S. - diabetes, high blood pressure and even orthopedic problems - cost an estimated $100 billion a year. Dr. James W. Holsinger Jr., a Kentucky cardiologist nominated as the next surgeon general, says fighting childhood obesity is his top priority.

Tough fight

The challenges to changing the way children eat are as numerous as the factors that have produced the obesity epidemic in the first place.

The forces that make kids fat "are really strong and hard to fight with just a program in school," said Dr. Philip Zeitler, a pediatric endocrinologist and researcher who sees a steady stream of obese children struggling with diabetes and other potentially fatal medical problems at The Children's Hospital in Denver.

What does he tell them?

"Oh, God, I haven't figured out anything that I know is going to work," he said. "I'm not aware of any medical model that is very successful in helping these kids. Sure, we try to help them, but I can't take credit for the ones who do manage to change."

Biology a factor

The obstacles are daunting:

PARENTS. Researchers agree that, although most funding targets schools, parents have the greatest influence, even a biological influence, over what their children eat. Zeitler says when children slim down, it's because "their families get religion about this and figure out what needs to happen."

But often, they don't.

"If the mother is eating Cheetos and white bread, the fetus will be born with those taste buds. If the mother is eating carrots and oatmeal, the child will be born with those taste buds," said Dr. Robert Trevino of the Social and Health Research Center in San Antonio.

By the time they reach age 10, most kids have learned what tastes good to them and what tastes nasty.

"If we don't reach (them) before they get to puberty, it's going to be very tough, very difficult, to change their eating behavior," said Trevino.

POVERTY. Poorer kids are especially at risk, because unhealthy food is cheaper and more easily available than healthy food. Parents are often working, leaving children unsupervised to get their own snacks. Low-income neighborhoods have fewer good supermarkets with fresh produce.

"If Mom can't find tomatoes in her local grocery store, nothing is going to change," said Zeitler.

Meanwhile, it's harder for children to exercise on their own. Parks often aren't safe, and sports teams cost money.

"Calorie burning has become the province of the wealthy," said Zeitler. "I fear that what we're going to see is a divergence of healthy people and unhealthy people. Basically, like everything else, it costs money to be healthy."

ADVERTISING. Children ages 8 to 12 see an average of 21 television ads each day for candy, snacks, cereal and fast food - more than 7,600 a year, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study. Not one of the 8,854 ads reviewed promoted fruits or vegetables.

There was one ad for healthy foods for every 50 ads for other foods.

Taste irresistible

Children may be the best sources to explain why they eat junk food despite lessons about nutrition.

"I think it's because they like it so much, because like, I don't know if you've seen the new hot Cheetos that are like puffs. Oh my God, they're so good. Like everyone at the school has them, and they're so good," said Ani Avanessian, 14, of Panorama City.

Her classmate George Rico, a 13-year-old whose mother is a manager at a McDonald's, said he loves his nutrition class. But does it affect what he puts in his mouth?

"Well, no, but it makes me think about what I eat," he said. "I think kids don't change because they've been eating it for so long, they're just accustomed to eating that way.

"Their teacher, Jenkins, offers fact-filled and engaging nutrition lessons as part of a $7 million U.S. Department of Agriculture program that reaches about 388,000 students a year in the Los Angeles Unified School District.

The most recent evaluation of the eight-year-old program was disheartening: Kids participating in the program ate no more fruits and vegetables than nonparticipating kids ate. Teachers who spent more hours on nutrition education had no greater impact than other teachers. And parental behavior didn't change.

"It's true: It didn't change what they actually eat. But the program really made a difference in how kids were feeling about fruits and vegetables. They really had a more positive attitude toward fruits and vegetables," said Dr. Mike Prelip of the University of California, Los Angeles, who headed the evaluation.

Kate Houston, USDA deputy undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, oversees most federal funds - $696 million this year - spent on childhood nutrition education. Funding has steadily increased in recent years, up from $535 million in 2003.

Exercise needed

When asked about the many studies that don't show improvement in kids' eating habits, Houston asked for copies of the research. And she said the USDA doesn't have resources for "long-term, controlled, medical-modeled studies" to determine the impact of its programs.

Dr. Tom Robinson, director of the Center for Healthy Weight at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University, said studies aren't needed; research has already shown nutrition education alone doesn't work.

"I think the money could be better spent on programs that are more behaviorally oriented, " he said.

There may be pieces of solutions found in limited studies being tested around the country. In some situations, obese children can lose weight and get healthy through rigorous hospital and clinic-based interventions including regular check-ins, family involvement and scheduled exercise, as well as nutrition education.

Increased physical activity at school is more likely to have an impact than nutrition education.

This spring the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announced plans to spend $500 million over the next five years to reverse the trend of childhood obesity. It will fund an array of programs and encourage more exercise at school.

One thing it won't fund: school projects that only provide nutrition education.

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