This live
channelling was streamed live for Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Lee Carroll
Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
We are not
oblivious to the elephant under the table. This channel is being given in an auspicious
time. It’s a time where many are in fear and others are struggling to stay out
of it. Before we go into something that I want you to hear, let’s just take a
There are
those right now who are saying goodbye to their elders. That’s difficult. They
never thought it would be this way, and it’s difficult. You can be told some of
the principles and the esoteric attributes and reasoning of it all, but it
doesn’t help when you’ve lost someone. Let’s take a moment of compassionate
action to be the Lightworkers of the age, and share the peace and compassion
that you have - Light of the world that you are, for those who need it, just
for a moment.
There are
those who will say, “How long is this going to last?” The answer is: Long enough; long enough.
I want to
tell you things, given in metaphors. Some of you will understand and some of
you will not. Let’s talk about children for a moment.
When children
are growing up and they reach a certain age, every balanced benevolent parent
knows how to work this puzzle. Let’s say the child becomes afraid. They are
afraid of just about everything because they haven’t seen everything yet, or
perhaps certain unknown things frighten them, or they just need help. Sometimes
the biggest fear is of the dark, and they’ll say, “Dad, Mom, I’m afraid of the
dark; I don’t know what’s there. Help me because there could be monsters
lurking there.”
Every good
parent knows how to handle this. They will tell a child: “Listen dear little
one, I’m going to turn on the light here for a moment. When I do, I want you to
see there’s nothing there. When I turn the light off again, I want you to
understand there’s still nothing there. But if you’re still afraid, even for a
moment, I’m still here. I’m holding your hand; just hug me; just hug me.
“Don’t be
afraid of what’s not there,” they will say to the child and eventually, through
time, the child evolves and grows up. The child balances itself and It knows
what the parent knows. Then it’s able to help the children that arrive in the
future. It’s classic, absolutely classic: Children go through times of fear
when they don’t understand things, but that is so easily correctible with compassion
and love, and a nurturing explanation. Every good parent listening or reading
here has gone through this and perhaps they even experienced it with their
parents as well.
I’m going
to give you two scenarios that totally go against this commonsense maturing,
but which happen every day. Perhaps it’s inappropriate, but they happen.
want you to imagine that child for a moment - in that state of fear - trying to
make sense of things in the dark. They always imagine things perhaps, which
might attack them.
One: What if, instead of a hug, the child saw that the parent was afraid too?
When that happens, it’s over for the child and they often check out [no hope].
They check out because it’s just too much to process. They’re afraid of the dark
and so are their parents. It scars a child for life. They won’t forget this
moment because there’s no hug. There’s no explanation; there’s no light;
there’s only fear. Their parents are shaking in fear, as well. It happens. It
has happened. It happens during war times when the parent can’t do anything
about it.
Two: This one is even worse, and it represents inappropriate parental control.
This is when the child is afraid of the dark and the parent says, Well, you
should be! There’s are evil things there! So, you must do this and that. The
child grows up with rules about evil, or invisible dark things, and understands
that there is no hug for the dark at all. There’s only fear and rules to let
you escape the worst.
I’m telling you is a metaphor. Some of you are understanding this already, and
some of you are not. Every Human Being listening here, every one of you, has an
inner child. Some of those inner children right now are scared to death, and
some are not. I know who is listening to this later, dear ones. I know who is
listening to this and watching it now. Many very mature old souls, who know
exactly where this is going, will say, Well, this message is not for me, I’ve
gone beyond it.
Have you?
Have you really? How far does it have to go before that maturity breaks down
and you start to fear?
I’ll tell
you right now, Lightworker, old soul: All of you have nurturing, compassionate
tools inside you to soothe that savage beast called Fear. It’s what Adironnda
[Marilyn Harper channel] said also; it’s what were all saying also.
If you
didn’t hear it already from me, I’m giving you a prediction: One of the things
that’s going to radically change when this event (virus) is all over, is the
accountability from those who inform you in media. When the dust clears, you’re
going to look at this closely and say, All the media made it worse, made it
Dear one,
in your life there’s never really been anything like this. Your media
information sources are marketing-based media. They are not information-based.
Dear ones, you know this. They all compete for your viewership and the more
dramatic things they can show, the more humans are attracted. This goes for
most of you, the world, and perhaps even Lightworkers. Many of you have to
consciously remember to turn off the media, since it is carefully designed to
“pull you in.”
The world
is attracted to drama, so after the media gives you information that may be
totally correct and accurate, they then “spin” the fearful side of it without
you even being aware that they are doing in. Not only that, they depend on
repetition to make certain you hear it many times. Did you know it’s possible
for you to turn on the media when you wake up, then turn it off when you go to
bed, and hear the same thing over and over 30-40 times? How does it make you
feel? How does your inner child feel when all you’re seeing is that the adults
are afraid too?
The media
is not yet aware of something else they are doing automatically within their
programming: In-between the designed drama they are giving you, they then are
playing advertisements which create even more inappropriate ideas. The
advertisements are often about medicine and drugs you need because you’re old,
or medicine you need because you’re young and have pimples, or medicine you
need because right now you are in anxiety (which they created), or medication
you need just because you stand there as a Human Being, aging every hour. In
other words, you’re never normal! You always need something to medicate you. Or
perhaps you need an attorney to help you after the medication went wrong?
I don’t
think that those media outlets are really putting together what they are doing:
They are responsible for scaring the planet to death. That will change. Watch
for it. The demand for Accountability for this scenario will eventually create
“hope channels” of media. There will finally be room for the good news
Lets call
them TFH channels: (My partner’s term for TRUTH-FACTS-HOPE). They will present
facts that are confirmed, then go to show things which are balanced and
uplifting around those facts. Then you can see that which is, and is not,
happening. There is so much good news that none of you know about, dear ones!
None of you see it because that is not in the scope of what they do. Your media
is currently in the drama business, and not the truth business.
The planet
is going to demand this: You’re going to look at those in charge of your media
and say, “Bad job! You didn’t do it well. You didn’t do it right. You gave us
entertainment and drama. You didn’t give us anything that helped our hearts.
You didn’t hold our hands when you could have, and you didn’t hug us enough.
You didn’t do any of that.”
The media
will defend itself and say, “It’s not our job to hold your hand. It’s our job
to inform you.” Dear ones, welcome to the New Normal. Your media indeed should
invest itself in giving you hope, as well as truth. There are two sides to the
news, not just the drama. This is what will change, and what is next.
That’s one
thing that you’re going to see change, Dear Ones. That’s a reboot. The earth
will probably take a while for all of this, but you’re going to start seeing
things differently and more truthfully. The main thing is that this will
represent a paradigm change. Many will start getting their broadcast news from
those who also tell “the rest of the story.” That will be the new, attractive
thing that you will not expect. Humanity will start to become more wise about
the manipulation that takes place “on the air.”
I want to
tell you something else: I want to tell you something about an experiment done
with children many years ago. It’s an experiment that probably would not be
allowed in today’s rules, but it was a classic: Some psychologists know of
this, and some nutritionists have studied it. It’s an experiment done with
children and food.
experiment: The children are given a buffet three times a day – breakfast,
lunch and dinner, where they can select anything on the buffet, as much as they
want of it, without anyone saying anything. No parents allowed.
The buffet
is beautiful and nutritionally complete. It starts with vegetables and goes to
the rice, the carbs, the fruit; and so on. All the food groups are represented,
and it’s the standard wonderful healthy buffet for the culture of the children.
And, of course, at the end of the buffet there are the desserts. Except these
deserts are are more for kids. There’s the candy, the cookies, the cake, and
the pie. It’s all there. It’s all there.
So, the
children are turned loose at breakfast. What are they going to have? What do
you think? The children all run to the end and stuff themselves with the
cookies and cake!
Lunch time:
They did the same thing. I mean, really! How how could a turnip compare with a
candy bar?
They did the same.
The next
day, they were all sick. Surprise, surprise!
So, over a
period of meals, what happened in this experiment is that the children started
eating the vegetables, the rice, the fruit, and all the things they passed over
before (even the turnip). The desserts were eaten in moderation (but they still
loved them).
The innate
part of the Human Being demanded the balance; not the junk, but the balance. It
was interesting because the experiment showed that even children who desire
sweets and don’t know any better, have an innate which starts to balance itself
when given the right choices.
I want you
to analyze what’s going on right now on this planet. I’m going to make a
statement: You are not being given the right buffet. Dear Ones, right now on
this planet, there are no vegetables and there is no fruit. I think you
understand what I’m saying. That is going to change.
I think the
wild card in all of this will be those who are going to step up and change it,
and say, Look we’ve got some good news here. There’s hope. That’s the balance
you have been craving. No wonder all of you are sick!
Incredible Bias of Virus Reporting
I want to
show you the bias. I want to show you the bias of your media that is hidden. If
you look at the virus information channels, they’ll give you all the charts of
the infected and the deaths. Over and over - the infected and the deaths. For
every state or country, the infected and the deaths. I want to ask you, Where
is the RECOVERED column? It’s not there, is it? That’s a bias. That is a drama
bias. Did they tell you that over 99 percent of those who catch the virus
recover completely? Where is that number? Do you also know that those who
recover have natural immunity for a few years? Where is that information? These
are the heros of your time! Did they tell you that? Where are the parties for
the recovered?
THEN: There
is all the economical doom and gloom that they’re telling you: Not since the
depression, they say, have we seen this kind of economy. They are comparing
your virus situation to the horrors of 1929 – yet nowhere are they saying:
“Wait a minute – wait a minute... this was created! You told us to stop working
and stay home! This is not an economic depression like 1929. It’s a temporary
situation. The factories and markets didn’t collapse. We are just not allowed
to go out and work!
Dear ones,
the world economy will slowly return, and the stock market will also. It’s
poised and ready. This is not the end of the the automobile industry or the
manufacturing industry. It’s not. This is a bump. Are they saying that to you?
Or are they comparing it to the worst of the worst, and you tune in and hear:
“There’s no vegetables, no fruit. There’s just junk. Prepare to be sick for a
long time.”
generations from now, will look at some numbers which are very telling.
Humanity in general has increased its life span attributes. There was a time,
even in this country, when you would live to 45 or 50 years old, and that was
your life expectancy. You weren’t really expected to live that long. There was
too much disease and bad nutrition. All of things have evolved so now you’re
seeing a slow increase of life span because of nutrition and especially
knowledge. This allows you to live well into the late 80s and even approaching the
90s. (First world nations)
historians in the future will see something odd: Generations from now, they’re
going to look at the life charts and say, “What is this dip here? How is it
that for a little while, Humans didn’t live as long?”
They’re going
to name it The Corona Dip.
The dip
they may see is for an entire generation of humans, and it had nothing to do
with being infected by the virus. They will determine that by the millions,
fear shortened their lives. Fear shortened their lives! That’s how profound
this media bias is.
may eventually report that when they do all the accounting for what really
happened, that fear killed more people than the virus.
Dear ones,
are you going to be one of them? Or are you going to stand tall and say, “This
is a hump, and we’ll get over it? It’s temporary. We’ll mourn when we have to
mourn, but we’re coming back because it’s temporary.”
That’s what
I wanted to tell you. The truth is not really being shown. As bad as you might
say this is, the real truth is not being shown. The up-side is not even on the
radar of the media. Not yet. There’s going to be a reckoning for that. You’ll
I am Kyron,
in love with humanity. Two steps forward, one step back. You’re in the step
back at the moment. Old souls, you were built for this. This is where you
shine. You have the Akashic experience and the compassion factor that others
don’t. That’s why you can show it to others, and let them find the innate
balance that will keep fear in its place. This saves lives.
The time is
now, to go to work.
And so it is.
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