This live
channelling was given in Reykavic, Iceland
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Lee Carroll
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. If you’ve just tuned in, this is the
ninth channel of the series given in the island nation of Iceland.
The group
comes together for the last time, and I wish to speak to the group and say
this: In these days, dear ones, there have been some seeds planted with each of
you. The seeds are good ones and, like any other seeds on this planet, when
they are buried in the dirt, the farmer has the option to water them or not –
to let them grow – to take care of them – or to care if they are there or not.
This is the free choice of every single one of you.
Some seeds
have been planted in those who would never come to a Kryon channel without this
tour. Some seeds went to those who were curious and wanted to know a little
more about esoteric things. Many seeds were also planted with the most esoteric
of you, and those seeds are for growth in perceptions past where you are
currently perceiving.
single one of you is known to God, known to Spirit, and known to the Creative
Source. You are not known by the name or the face that you carry, but by the
attributes of your unique soul, something you have that is acknowledged by
almost all humanity. Humans intuitively have recognized the soul as something
that is eternal. Every belief system on the planet talks about where the soul
goes after death. It is part of you; it is above you; and, even if you don’t
believe it, the traditions of eons of maritime seagoers always talked about
souls onboard. The soul’s existence is assumed; it is innate; it is something
that all humanity, at some level, recognizes as real. And the Human who is
connected to the soul is also well known to us. We know why you might be here,
what you think, and what you need.
Free choice
is the phrase that we use now. It means that nothing happens, no seed grows,
unless you ask it to. Nothing spiritual happens for you unless you are willing
to look beyond that which you’ve been taught and, perhaps, say to yourself: I
doubt this is true, but I want to know more. And if that’s you, you’d be just
like my partner who now sits in the chair.
I would
like to briefly repeat a parable I gave you many years ago because it’s germane
to your time. We sit here now at a time on the planet that is worried about the
virus. [March 2020] Much is happening regarding trying to slow it down, and
many are wringing their hands wondering what’s next. They are in fear.
The parable
I give now was also given many years ago, but it’s a parable that needs to be
repeated. The parable is about the mother and the son. Imagine, for a moment,
in this allegory, in this story, that a mother has a small infant son, three or
four years old. Inquisitive he is, and he is just learning to speak better. The
mother, like all mothers, will spend time looking at him and saying: “Oh, you
have so much to learn, my son. I wish I could give you advice that you could
understand and know now. I wish I could tell you about things which you’re
going to encounter that might frighten you – and show you they are okay. I wish
I could tell you the pitfalls of life – what not to do and what to do – if
you’d listen. I wish I could have a moment with your soul. I wish I could have
communication that I know isn’t available right now, that you will have when
you grow up. I know that you will get to a certain age where you won’t listen.
You’ll go your own way, and then, you’ll listen later, and then, you’ll have to
learn your own things your own way.”
mother wishes these kinds of things as they look into the eyes of their
newborns and say, “What a life is before you! What beautiful things you’re
going to discover. I’d love to show you more.”
Imagine, in
this moment, an angel appears and says to the mother:
“Dear one,
I’m going to give you your wish, for just a moment. It won’t last long, so make
it count. I want you to go look at your child because, when you look at your
child and he looks at you, he will have the mind of an adult for just a few
moments. He will be allowed to ask three questions of you, and you will be able
to answer him because his intellect will be the same as yours.”
This is
just what she asked for! However, she cannot do anything but answer his
question. She cannot talk to him other than that. She cannot teach him or give
him advice on what to do or what not to do. He must ask. He gets three
The mother
was astonished! “This is it,” she thinks. “This is what I wanted all along.
It’s going to happen! What an opportunity to help him!”
The mother
gets ready emotionally and goes into the room with her son. She looks into his
eyes, and he looks back and smiles. “Greetings, mother, I love you so much.” Oh
my! Can you imagine for just a moment the intellect that poured into him just
as an adult spanning thirty years or more? It was amazing and she sees that he
is very aware of what is happening.
The mother
then says, “Oh, this is a great time, son. Please ask your questions.” The boy
looks around at his room and he looks at his mother, deciding what to ask. He
looks at all the things around him, then he turns and looks out the window. He
there is something I’ve always wanted to know. Why is the sky blue?”
The mother
is almost mortified with the question! Oh no! That can’t be the question! Get
to something substantive. Who cares why the sky is blue! He wasted the first
She does
her best to answer, as any mother would do. The next question comes and it’s
about the waves in the ocean. Not again! The angel said he was supposed to have
an intellect! He is supposed to be like I am. He is supposed to know what to
ask. He’s smart. Why doesn’t he ask something wise?
The mother
discusses the tides of the ocean and things about the sea and the moon. He
listens and obviously understands what she is saying. He is so happy to have
this conversation! He is completely satisfied and it’s a very loving time for
both of them.
The third
question comes, and it’s just as simple as the other two. The mother tries hard
to hold steady and hide her disappointment that the boy doesn’t know what to
ask, or how to capture this profound moment to find out something really
important to life.
What the
child has done, dear ones, is to look around his reality, sum up what he has
seen and experienced already in three years, and ask the best questions he can.
He asks the ones that are most important to his level of reality and his level
of experience.
The mother,
although disappointed, has had the conversation of a lifetime with her small
child, and forever will be happy that she got a “magic” time with him. She
realizes that he just didn’t know what to ask [that she feels is vitally
important for him to know].
The story,
dear ones, is a metaphor. The metaphor is about you and about your time right
So I’ll ask
you: What if you were given, right now, the choice to ask three questions of
the Creator of the Universe. As a Human Being with the intellect that you have
right now, what would you ask?
The parable
would indicate that the most common questions would be about your situation
right now as you huddle in your homes away from a virus. You might ask: “Why
did this happen? How do we get out of this world mess? What next?” In other
words, you’d waste every chance and question because you’d only ask questions
from your perspective as a Human Being, caught up in your own reality of the
You would
not know what to ask because you don’t know what you don’t know.
So the
parable ends with a solution: What’s the best question to ask? What’s the only
question to ask? The answer has always been the wisest one to ask:
Dear God,
dear Spirit, dear Creator, tell me what it is I need to know.
It’s not
really a question, is it? You can posture it as one if you wish, for it’s still
a request:
Spirit, what do I need to know? Then you can sit and be informed or sit and be
loved. It is very profound because it’s a request that opens a door for all of
the teachings that you didn’t know how to ask about.
the boy had made this question or request to her, she would still be talking
now … perhaps for hours or days. Do you understand this? The question is not
limiting or time-sensitive or linear. A door is opened to the mysteries of
life, with the intent of the question. It gives you what you need, even without
knowing what to ask!
It can be
about your next step in life, or about how to take care of yourself. Perhaps
even better, where to meet the right people or find the right things for your
future. Some of these who you may meet may be sitting here [in the seminar],
but you haven’t really met them or listened to them yet. There is a lot of
knowledge carried by lightworkers in these groups, dear ones. I sit before many
Old Souls.
Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know.”
Then sit
back. Don’t expect handwriting on the wall or a voice from beyond. Instead, be
quiet and continue your life. Wait for the synchronicity that belongs to you,
to supply the answers that you didn’t expect. This is the most mature, wise,
and profound question a Human can ask – yet they often do not. Instead, they
ask about immediate reality and things that are linear, that have nothing to do
with their magnificence.
As an Old
Soul, you know the difference, or you wouldn’t be reading these words or
hearing this message. I tell you this because, as you go from this place, these
things are going to be needed.
Let the
seeds of this message take hold and blossom within you. Let the seeds of this
message that have been planted this day in every single one of you create
solutions in your life that last forever. Leave differently than you
And so it is.
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