This live
channelling was given in Bloulder, Colorado
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Lee Carroll |
Greetings, dear
ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I'll say something again for those who
might say "Well, I couldn't help but notice that the channelling came in
very, very quick, here." Some will always say, "Well, that's evidence
it's not really channelling, because everybody knows that, if you are going to
channel, you have to take a lot of deep breaths, pant for a while, face a
certain direction, and eat a certain way." All that has changed, dear
ones, for every single one here has the ability to connect instantly.
I am not
talking about sitting in front of an audience with a microphone. Instead, I am
speaking about the ability to sense things beyond what you know, and to receive
information that would not have necessarily come from the corporeal brain. That
is what is happening on this planet, with the Old Souls, specifically, and it
has to do with free choice.
This is the
third channelling in a series of three, regarding duality. For those who did
not hear the first two, there is a way to obtain them. It's an easy way, and
then you will have the other two messages. []
This is not
a long message, but it's a profound one. We told you that duality is not a
negative word, and that it doesn't indicate a struggle. Even though some would
define it as a struggle, it is a gift. It is a God-given gift from the Original
Source of your creation, which allowed you to choose without judgment.
As a Human
Being with sentience and intelligence, each of you has the ability to work the
puzzle of life yourself and decide what energies you wish to gravitate toward.
It's so easy to call these energies light and dark, but it's not that simple.
We often do that for basic understanding. But actually, duality is the energy
of appropriateness for your life, and it's a choice you make for yourselves.
It's also the energy that is appropriate for your culture, for your planet, and
for your time. Those energies of appropriateness shift and change with the
generations, so it is not an easy choice since it is always a moving target.
It's a gift of discernment of what works for you. Old Souls on the planet
intuitively recognize that what works is what is closest to the original
Creator core energy. Duality is not a struggle, dear ones. It is a precious
choice - a free one.
suddenly, in this new energy, you are in a time where the choices are starting
to be easier because of something that we told you in the last channel: You're
starting to have help. If you want to call this energy, help, then go ahead.
But it's actually you with you, dear ones. For, suddenly, that immensity of
your soul that is part of you and always has been, starts allowing you to have
an overview from the Field, if you wish to call it that. It comes from the
energies of the potentials that are all around you, which are starting to be
intuitively sensed. In other words, your path is not a mystery any longer. It's
available to sense at a wonderful new level. So, I want to give you three of
the greatest choices that have changed. Now, the actual choice hasn't changed,
but rather, the perception of it. Your ability to manifest it has, indeed,
Choice One
- Definition of Self
The first
free choice is full allowance to define yourself. Now, you may not really
understand that until I give you this information:
Sit and ask
the question "Who am I?"
I want you
to do a visualization with me for just a moment. You are standing, looking in a
mirror, wearing whatever is your best outfit, and admiring yourself. All the
definitions of who you are, are visible to you.
Each one is stuck to you with a yellow sticky-note.
There they
are, upon your body - all those sticky-notes! Look at them with me, even the
confidential ones that define you: Where you were born - your culture - your
language - the manner of how you will act, one with another, in your culture,
in your language. Your lineage is there, the one with your biological DNA. Your
family is there, and what they think about you is there. Sticky-note,
sticky-note, sticky-note, sticky-note. [Kryon actively pointing to many places
on Lee's body as an example.]
Well, we
didn't even get to the big ones yet, did we? There are those organizations that
you belong to, who will also define your interests and also who you are. If you
have had trouble with something and joined an organization, there is a
sticky-note there. Then the core: There are the spiritual organizations you
have had contact with who are very quick to tell you who you really are. For
some of you, there is one big sticky-note that says "born dirty." It
is on your forehead if you want to know. That is the big one.
So there
you are, with perhaps hundreds of sticky-notes all over you, as you look at
yourself in the mirror.
Now, I want
to give you an invitation and we are going to call it "free choice to
define who you are." In order to fulfill this invitation, I want you to
shake yourself like a dog does after a bath -
just shake and shake and shake and shake. Let those sticky-notes fall to
the ground. Let each one fall from your body and lay on the floor. Don't be
alarmed at this, because none of them are accurate. None of them. Not one. Not
really. Not even your gender [Kryon smile].
So now, let
it begin. "Who am I?" On this blank slate of NO sticky-notes on your
body, you can start writing your own, ignoring everything anybody has ever
said, including those whom you trust who would define you. Dear ones, most
Humans are judgmental. This is a Human attribute of elementary programming and
survival, but it's not always in the consciousness of a mature Old Soul. So,
part of this exercise is to claim that maturity. You have the ability - with
free choice - to define yourself accurately. After all, only YOU really know
who you are. You are the only one who can do this. Not others.
So, let us
put a new, big sticky-note on your forehead: "Born magnificent!" This
one will vibrate with truth and show up every time you look at yourself in a
mirror. You can also start writing the other definitions and start placing them
all over yourself: I am love. Put it right here: [Kryon pointing to the heart
area]. I am compassion. Put right here: [Kryon pointing again to the heart
area]. I am healthy. Put it here. I am young. Put it here. Start putting these
sticky-notes all over yourself, because you are the only one who can define
You might
think, "Well, that's pretty obvious for those of us who are in the work,
Kryon." Well, if it is so obvious, why were all of those other
sticky-notes there? Many lightworkers have, indeed, decided to define
themselves, but how many shook off the old ones? Very few. This leads to a
profound feeling of lack of self-worth, dear ones. Did you ever think of that?
Why would Old Souls on this planet, the ones who have the most information and
the most experience, feature the greatest lack of self-worth? The answer? Too
many of those old notes are still sticking to you!
I am
talking to a lot of people here who have been defined and have believed it. You
believed it. Now it is time to understand, with a new awareness, that you are
the only ones who can use spiritual logic, science, and all the things that
accurately determine, with your own mind, who you truly are. The others have
pads of sticky-notes, ready to place them on anyone who will allow it. You did.
That's number one.
Choice Two
- Definition of Path
Number two
is the free choice to determine your path.
Now, you
might think this is also obvious. However, there is, again, something in the
way of making this choice. We won't use sticky-notes this time, but instead, we
will use the engrams and synapses in your brain that have been placed there
subconsciously. These "automatic thinking" feelings respond to advice
and/or information you have been given, which goes unfiltered, right into your
mind. What would that be? It's information that comes from people you trust.
Whether they have been parents, politicians, spiritual leaders, or mentors.
Whoever they are, it relates to information and advice about your path.
becomes part of who you are, and your path, or part of it, is often determined
by others. Now you say, "Wait a moment Kryon, I have chosen it myself. I
wasn't coerced." Yes, dear ones, however, you have chosen it with extreme
prejudice: Listening to the advice of others. So, really, who is doing the
choosing? You were convinced. You didn't choose.
Kryon, I don't think I was sold anything. It made sense from people I trusted
and loved. This is how most Humans receive help. Do you have an alternative
suggestion?" Yes, I do, and here it is: Today, you have a new
communication ability. Many have called it the connection to the Field,
accessing potentials that manifest themselves the moment you give energy to them.
Did you ever learn a new word that you had never heard before in your life,
then in the next week, you hear it three times? Did you realize you had created
that? That is the best example I can give you for creating your own reality.
When you start concentrating on certain kinds of things and suddenly, they
occur, you have changed the Field. This is new. Listen: Your past advice was
given by many who did their best, but only knew from the energy of their time.
Textbooks are often updated to include recent new thinking due to new
discoveries. It's the same here.
Here is my
advice. The first thing: Sit alone in a space of coherence with the Creator,
where you are peaceful and happy, and make a statement: "Dear Spirit, show
me what I need to know." Under the pretense and new energy rule that says
this is how you create your own reality, expect to receive an answer through
synchronicity. This is what will shape your path, not advice from another. You
will experience it.
The next
thing - state: "Spirit, bring me those who I will recognize as part of my
path." And that, dear ones, is when the partnerships show up. And that,
dear ones, is when romance happens or abundance starts to change in your life.
You see, your statement creates an energy of expectation - real energy that
goes into the Field. Have you heard that today from a scientist? [Gregg Braden]
That's the truth. You are profoundly in control of your path.
Oh, there
are three people right now in this room who had to hear that! What you choose
today, is far different from anything others would have chosen for you in an
older energy. Perhaps some of those who advised you a certain way are now
passed over on the other side of the veil right now? I will tell you this: They
are applauding and saying, "Listen to the guy in the chair!" Because
they know, they know. They are your cheering section right now. Greater truths
are being revealed at this time than at any other time in Human history. It is
not a betrayal, to find a greater truth than you were taught.
Three - Definition or choice of your own energy
three. You have the choice - free choice - to determine your own personal
energy. "What does that mean, exactly, Kryon? What do you mean by 'my
energy'?" You can call it whatever you want, but when people stand around
you, what do they feel? Consciousness is energy. So, what is your
consciousness? What is the energy that people feel when they are next to you?
Are you someone who has trouble with fear? Many lightworkers are often afraid
of something. That is not an indictment or a judgment, dear ones, but it is a
fact. Some of you are very fearful persons.
Perhaps you
are a person who has anxiety over many things? You may not want to be that
person, but that is who you are as you sit there. Perhaps that is why you are
here - to help with that? Are you aware that you broadcast all of that fear
energy, everywhere you walk?
Some of you
are abrasive and don't know it. We have discussed this before - as a
lightworker's subconscious creation to being different. In an older energy,
some of you actually created things in your personality that push people away.
Are you aware of that? Do people walk away from you after you talk to them?
Have you ever analyzed how you appear to others? Perhaps you don't care? I have
told you that, in this new energy, everything has changed, and that we need
your light … not your abrasiveness.
You have
the choice, today, to choose the energy of who you actually are, and it can be
done in so many different ways. There are so many teachers telling you
"Here is how to do it." I will give you a core answer right now, as
you sit here, and it's your free choice to hear and accept it, or not.
State these
things in your affirmations: "I choose to be peaceful. I choose not to
have anxiety over the things I had before. I no longer will have my buttons
pressed by others. I am a kind and benevolent thinker and that is what I will
project in my life."
Many of you
had to hear that today!
is it possible that just saying these things can help me?" Dear ones, I
didn't ask you to say them. I ask you to "state them." This means you
must eventually assimilate them. They are you! You must cognize them as the
highest truth there is. Many Old Souls "try" many things. This isn't
trying. A statement is an affirmation of reality.
Dear ones,
It's your free choice to choose your energy.
"I choose not to fear. I choose to be peaceful. I will have wonderful,
peaceful sleep at night because I am allied with the Creative Source and now I
understand that. I understand that what I visualize of who I am, becomes my
reality. The cells of my body are all listening for the first time. I choose to
be healthy in this life!"
Where have
you heard that before? These things which are spiritual today, will become
axioms of physics tomorrow.
I am giving
you a truism that consciousness is energy and, therefore, energy can be studied
and measured. In this energy, there will be those who realize, through quantum
studies of multidimensional things, just how consciousness can come together in
ways that it had not before. They will study how to use benevolent consciousness
in the boardroom of a corporation, in order to make better decisions and to
enhance coherence for the people who work for the corporation. What a concept!
Why would they do that? Because measurements of coherence will, for the first
time, prove that, yes, sales will be better from a group who are working
together in coherence and benevolence. The other things that organizations have
difficulty with will also change, including the consciousness of management
toward those who work for them. Can you imagine the new competition in the
marketplace? Who has the best coherence? [Kryon smile]
I said it
before: Can you visualize today in a US Congress far, far away from now, where
they stop for a moment - both sides - and create coherence together so their
decisions that day would be the best decisions for the most people? I know, I
know. You might say, "Well, Kryon, obviously that's on another
planet." No, it isn't. That is in the Field, dear ones.
If somebody
had said, "Well, it's interesting. I never thought our Congress would stop
and have prayer for anyone or anything." They do. They do. Whether they
mean it or not, they've got the concept. In a land where the founders and
current leaders pride themselves with the principles of "separation of
church and state," the state often prays together. Someday, science will
show that "Coherence of consciousness is real. It changes things, and it
can be measured." This will begin to change how groups of Humans work
together. It's coming.
This is the
first of the series of channels for 2020. I want you to leave this place
differently than you came - with ideas, potentials, and peace.
And so it is.
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