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The Belgian boy will in December become one of the world's youngest graduates |
Like many
other nine-year-olds, Laurent Simons likes TV and his pet dog. But he also
wants to make artificial organs, and is about to get the qualifications to set
him on his way.
The Belgian
boy will in December receive a degree in electrical engineering from Eindhoven
University of Technology in the Netherlands, which will make him one of the
world's youngest graduates.
Far from
being fazed by his achievements, which also saw him complete the course in just
nine months instead of the usual three years, Laurent says it's
"normal" -- although he adds too that it's "cool".
currently studying electrical engineering. It's about designing circuits and
things like that. So chips, actually," the mop-haired youngster told AFP
in the Dutch capital Amsterdam.
He adds
that "I really like karting. And I like playing with my dog and watching
teachers run out of superlatives to describe him.
qualities are all simply extraordinary," says Sjoerd Hulshof, programme
director for electrical engineering at the university, a course that itself is
considered particularly difficult.
The boy is
"the quickest student we've ever seen. And he's not just
hyper-intelligent, but very nice", Hulshof told AFP.
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He was
raised in Ostend by his grandparents until the start of this year,
as his
parents Alexander and Lydia were "busy with work
'Being a
Laurent is studying in the labs of the university, his best friends are playing
tag in the playground of his old school in the Belgian coastal resort of
wearing a rollneck jumper, jeans and trainers, himself says that "I don't
really miss primary school, but I still have friends there."
He was
raised in Ostend by his grandparents until the start of this year, as his
parents Alexander and Lydia were "busy with work" in the Netherlands.
school at four, he completed primary in a year and a half. It has taken him
just five years to go through primary and secondary school and university.
the end, it's about finding a balance for the child so that he enjoys life,
being a child and being mischievous," says Alexander, 37, a Belgian
dentist who has a practice in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam.
grandfather and his grandmother, who raised him, told us already: he is very
intelligent, more than the others... Then, when he was old enough to go to
school, they kept doing tests on him from higher levels," adds Lydia, 29,
who is Dutch and works as a dental assistant for her husband.
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Laurent has
to be accompanied to university by his parents
only just started'
They are
now selling the Rotterdam surgery so they can "completely dedicate"
themselves to Laurent, who must be taken to university every day because he is
too young to go by himself.
can't take the train himself," says Alexander, whose Amsterdam home
features a huge black and white artwork of the faces of himself and his son.
His parents
admit they "don't understand at all" the subjects that come so easily
to Laurent, whose closest companions apart from his dog are his laptop and a
book on integrated circuits.
says his goal now after receiving his degree in December is to "make
artificial organs to prolong life".
The reason?
He wants to help heart patients -- like his grand-parents.
still have to see how I'll do it. I've only just started."
His parents
are now already in contact with universities in the United States as they eye
another degree for their son.
Aware of
the media attention that has recently surrounded his son, Alexander says his
son is growing up in a healthy environment unlike "singers and pop
one day, we realise he's becoming big-headed, that he's becoming pretentious or
arrogant, we'll put his feet back on the ground."
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"Common Questions from Non-Lightworkers" - Feb 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll)
"..... DNA is a Dynamic Molecule, not a static one.
VIDEO: Child prodigy Laurent Simons, 9, will graduate from the Eindhoven University of Technology before the end of the year after completing a multi-year course in less than 10 months pic.twitter.com/WiH3a9fbZU— AFP news agency (@AFP) 24 november 2019
Related Articles:
Holland's Got Talent 2013 - Amira Willighagen (9)
"Common Questions from Non-Lightworkers" - Feb 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll)
"... Question Three: Is there life on other planets?
... I will tell you, as long as you stay in 3D, you'll still be getting in little metal cans and air suits and going to planets. As soon as you begin the quantum age, however, you will simply wish yourself there, because you will be entangled with everything and can go with intent. If you don't believe this now, you will later, for what I give you is true. It may be lifetimes and lifetimes from now, but the group that is before me is the group that is going to come back over and over. The difference is that you're done coming back in an old energy. This is a new energy..
When you come back, dear one, everything you know will be in your DNA and be on top [available]. You're not going to have to go through what you did before. As soon as you decide to look around and open the door [metaphor for free choice to awaken], everything you've learned this time around will be right there.
This is the attribute of what you would call "a child of new consciousness," which you have labeled with a color - indigo. The child remembers who they are. They are conceptual, and you believe they have to be taught from scratch! Hardly! They remember! Do you understand what is taking place? We told you this last time, but we want to review something with you: The animal on the prairie drops its calf and within hours, the calf is up, running with the herd. Did you know that the calf instantly knows who its enemies are, what water to drink that doesn't smell right, and what berries to eat that are not poison? Where did that come from? How did that infant animal know these things? The answer is that this information was biologically inherited. You call it instinct. But when you have a Human baby - nothing! It doesn't know anything but that it's hungry. It requires 20 years of teaching! Aren't you tired of that? Did you ever think about why the animals have so much knowledge to begin with and you have so little? Does that seem correct for the top of the evolutionary ladder? It's time for that to change.
You're starting to see it, even with the indigos. They come in knowing. That's why they're so impatient. You're trying to teach them things they already know instinctively. Just like the calf on the prairie, they come in knowing. Some of them try to teach you. That doesn't always go well. That was question three...."
"The Quantum Factor" – Apr 10, 2011 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Galaxies, Universe, Intelligent design, Benevolent design, Aliens, Nikola Tesla (Quantum energy), Inter-Planetary Travel, DNA, Genes, Stem Cells, Cells, Rejuvenation, Shift of Human Consciousness, Spontaneous Remission, Religion, Dictators, Africa, China, Nuclear Power, Sustainable Development, Animals, Global Unity.. etc.) - (Text Version)
"..... DNA - A Quantum Force
Now we get to the core truth, don't we? So I will tell you. The ninety percent of DNA which is quantum, is filled with information, both esoteric and timeless. It is a quantum blueprint for everything you are and have been since you arrived on the planet the first time. DNA contains instruction sets for your life; everything from your full Akashic Record - every single lifetime you have had - to the benevolent creator's fingerprint within the seeds of creation itself. Every single talent you ever had is there, even if you don't have any of those today... the record is there. Every predisposition of weakness and strength are there. Biologically, every single instruction to every single stem cell is there. . ..."
"..... DNA is a Dynamic Molecule, not a static one.
Humanity is stuck in the 3D portion of their biological thinking. In your 3-D life, you simply accept the chemistry you're given. You act as though the three percent gene producing part is all there is. You believe it is a chemical protocol that is unchangeable and simply "you." You don't see it for the way it's designed. It's dynamic and always has been. It's not set, but will continue to simply repeat what it does unless there is another quantum influence on it.
Therefore you live with the 3 percent as though it were all there is, and since it just "came with your body" and seems to control everything, you never talk to it. Many of you come in with pre-dispositions based upon the karma which is put upon you from your past lives. You don't come in clean [without karmic energy]. Instead, you arrive with pre-dispositions, fears and phobias. Some are positive. Perhaps you come in as a prodigy continuing your last life... the 8-year-old who can paint like a master and do brushstrokes that take 30 years to develop. What does that tell you about what must be in the DNA?
Perhaps you come in as the composer, the pianist, the prodigy, the violinist, just waiting until your hands can go on the fingerboard or can reach up and fret the notes. Perhaps you come in knowing how to play the piano, just waiting for your hands to get big enough to do what you used to do... without any lessons. How do you explain that, dear ones? The answer is that all this is contained in the dynamic quantum instruction sets of your DNA... the part you never talk to it. .."
Question: Dear Kryon, would you please tell me if Indigo Children and Star Children are the same? Can someone born in the 1960’s be an Indigo?
Answer: Dear Human, don’t get bogged within your linearity in these things. You wish to compartmentalize everything, and thereby feel more comfortable in your understanding. Know this: All children being born on the planet have strong potential to be of the Indigo consciousness. Within that group there are many parts and attributes. What you have called a “Star Child” is a type of Indigo. The same goes for the “Crystal Children.”
Years ago we identified a new breed of Human that was slowly being introduced to earth. Now they are so plentiful that many are beginning to notice and categorize them. Our admonition is NOT to, but we know that sometimes make you feel better to do so. Another name for these “Star Children” are the Interdimensional or even the Interplanetary, if you wish.
As far as the potential of those born before or during the 1960’s: The answer is yes, but with a qualification. The “pure” Indigo Children have really only been arriving slowly for the past 25 or 30 years, but there are many who have what we call an “Indigo overlay.” This is Human who fits the generalizations, but without some of the absolutes that are buried in what you call the DNA that really qualify this new Human experience.
— Kryon
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Fans of British singer David Bowie were stunned by his death on January 10, just
two days after releasing an acclaimed album, "Blackstar" (AFP Photo/FRANCK FIFE)
"THE THREE WINDS" – Feb 23-24, 2013 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Humanity, Home - other side of the veil, Wind of Birth - Birth, Wind of Existence - Life, Wind of Transition - Death) - (Text version)
“… The Human Spiritual System
The puzzle during your life is about how much of this truth of being part of the creator you can accept. How far can you open the quantum door to see this truth when you are alive? This single attribute determines how enlightened you become during life. Listen: It's not how much knowledge and experience in is your Akash, but how much you allow yourself to believe it. There are many old souls on this planet who have an amazing amount of spiritual learning, yet they don't want to touch that "spiritual jar" within them at this point in their lives. This is the free choice of the Human Being we speak about.
There is immense planning that puts you at the Wind of Birth. What did you accomplish during the last lives, if anything? Who were you and what did you do? What energies did you start that were not complete that you wish to continue? What soul group were you in? Who were your parents? Are you in certain soul agreements to become their grandchildren? That is more common than you think! There are so many things that go into the planning of the "entry energy" of your life, and each life potential is different and unique. The planning is done by you when you have "the mind of God" on my side of the veil.
Humans don't like the fact that there is no generic spiritual instruction manual that states, "Here is what happens and here is what to do." Listen, dear ones, humanity is honored way above that! Are all your children the same? Do books on how to raise children always work for your child? The answer is no, because each soul is totally unique. But Humans still wish to have a list of things to do and not to do, as though each soul somehow came out of a spiritual machine that made them all the same. No. Instead, Spirit honors each soul with unique choice and a tremendous variety of energy selections.
The Great Artists
There are certain attributes that Humans receive on the planet, and we'll call them creative attributes. These are almost quantum attributes that may take several lifetimes to complete. What often happens to these creatives is that they go through a series of lifetimes as though it were one in order to have completion of their creative cycle. Famous artists will come back, and the first thing they want to do is pick up a brush and continue what they did before. Famous composers, famous poets and sculptors will come back and simply keep going! It's so obvious, yet you deny this in your scientific way.
So the creatives are different from the others, and their puzzle is to bring the planet the greatest treasures of art through a unified series of lives, yet personally they try to sort out the puzzle of "what they carry inside is valuable, but nobody knows it". If you've noticed, most of the great artists who have even lived and are here today carry a burden that is easily identified as "lack of self-worth". Do you see the set-up? It's ripe for personal discovery, isn't it? So can you see the Human standing in the Wind of Birth, ready to continue what they only began last time? With the "mind of God", there is a smile on their face as they hear the music that they will compose, for it's with them when they arrive.
As you stand at the Wind of Birth, you are completely and totally a unique creature with incomplete energies. It takes more than one short earthly life to create Human attributes that grow into maturity. Even non-creatives (most of you) have a lineage of starting something that never got fully completed. Sometimes it's within relationships. Sometimes it's learning or teachings. Old souls are good at this coming and going and often pick up where they leave off as they slowly change the planet by their very presence upon it. The old soul is, "Sewing the seeds of light on the carpet of linear time, not even knowing that he will also be harvesting those exact mature plants of wisdom as he returns in a subsequent life."
Therefore, dear one, you don't arrive with a blank slate, but you have to know that, don't you? The old soul feels it. The only ones who arrive with a completely blank slate are the newbies [first timers] and we'll talk about that in the next wind. But this is a room of old souls who are hearing and reading right now. Each of you is here with a spiritual jar that is filled with the experience of living on Earth, and sometimes even the attribute of "awakening to your own mastery". ….”
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