This live
channelling was given in McCloud, CA
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Lee Carroll |
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often
what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of
communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message
given in McCloud.
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Occasionally, we'll give you a
story, a parable, an allegory. It's exactly what we wish to do now and when we
do it, we always use the same character and the name is Wo. Wo is not a man or
a woman. Wo is a Wo-man and, although genderless, your language does not easily
allow for a genderless person in a story, so we will call Wo a "he"
for this tale.
I want to
tell you about this man and what happened to him. We start by examining who he
is. Wo is a man who lives in a small town. It wasn't as small as the one you're
in (McCloud, CA), but it had at least four stoplights. [Laughter] It was a
small town and it bordered a forest.
Wo didn't
feel that he needed to be part of a religion. In fact, early on, he had decided
that he didn't like church - not really. He felt the love and he knew of the
integrity of so many of those who would attend church, but it just wasn't for
him. What was for him was nature. Wo was connected spiritually to the Earth
and, when others went out to worship on Sunday, Wo would go for a walk in the
forest. Early on, Wo realized the sacredness of the valleys and the lakes and
the streams, the animals and the trees, and this was part of his scenario of
worship. He felt that he could feel the land talking to him when he went out.
So, this is Wo, and now the stage is set to tell you what happened in this
Many of you
have had vivid dreams or, perhaps, borderline visions, and this is what
happened to Wo. One night, when Wo was sleeping deeply, he had something that
could only be called a vision. It was so real! It was beyond real in Wo's
experience. I wish to tell you as best I can what he experienced, but
everything I tell you won't even be half of it. You would have to be Wo to
really feel it.
Wo heard
the music. Dear ones, what Wo heard and experienced is undefinable. He heard
music that was so perfect and so beautiful that it was beyond anything he had
ever experienced as a Human on Earth. There was nothing to compare it to. The
pictures he saw in his mind and the sonorities he heard were perfect and
Now, you
might ask, "What kind of music was it?" However, it was not definable.
It was not classical or popular. It had no classification. It just was, and it
contained all of the instruments that he had ever known about, played perfectly
and in a sequence that created melodies that were heroic and romantic, all at
the same time. He couldn't believe it. It was almost as though Wo were in black
and white and, suddenly, he was hearing in color.
Wo basked
in this amazing vision. He couldn't even imagine such a thing in real life, but
there it was, and he was hearing it. Wo quickly realized that he wasn't
actually hearing it, but rather, he was feeling it in every single cell. It was
the most beautiful music ever - undefinable, yet perfect - and then he woke up.
He realized that his pillow was wet. He had been weeping, as the vision was so
beautiful. He had visited a place in his vision that was sacred, and he had no
idea why it had happened.
Now, Wo
believed that there were signs from Spirit of things to help him in his life.
He had experienced this in the past in the woods, where he would go and have
intuitive ideas. Wo thought to himself, "Perhaps this is a sign that I
might study some music or be part of something musical? Perhaps this is,
indeed, the instruction? However, I've never really had an interest in the
performance of music or anything."
So, Wo went
out and discovered, synchronistically, that there was a town tryout for a
choir. He thought, "This is it! I'm supposed to join something; I'm
supposed to be part of a choir." So, Wo went to the tryout. He was
disappointed. They told him, in all love and compassion: "Wo, we cannot
take you into this choir for three reasons. Number one, you can't carry a tune.
Number two, you have no idea of what pitch is. And number three, your voice
sounds like nails on a blackboard." The choir wasn't it.
Wo didn't
know which way to turn, yet somehow, someway, he realized, perhaps this wasn't
a call to action in the way he thought. And then it happened yet again! The
vision repeated. He had asked for this. He had said, "Dear Spirit, that was
an amazing experience and I don't know why or what it was about, but please
give it to me again." And he got it. He got it in the same way, only this
time, it lasted even a bit longer. This time he felt like he was inside it. It
would be as if a person was standing inside a performing orchestra or an
experience equivalent to actually being inside a guitar while it was being
played. You could feel the strings vibrate with you in such perfection that you
would weep with joy in what you were hearing and experiencing. A musician would
say it was locked in, and perfect. Wo stayed in that vision and he swooned in
this experience. This was the most amazing experience he had ever had, ever!
Then he woke up. He said, "Spirit, this has to mean something. This has to
mean something! You can't take me to a place where I can hear this and enjoy it
without it meaning something."
Wo took
walks into the forest, the woods, and the meadows, and he looked for some
answers there. This was always a place where he would have good intuition and
he was right. Because his intuition to go into the woods at this point in time
brought him into a clearing, a meadow that was beautiful. The sun was shining,
the grass was extra green, and there, sitting in the tree-less meadow, was a beautiful
woman. Sitting all around her were young students and the students were
beautiful, too.
Wo could
tell that this woman was aged, yet beautiful, and she was teaching something.
Her students all looked fresh, almost like they all came out of the same school
all the same age. Wo was quiet for a moment and he realized something: He could
clearly hear her. No matter how far away he was when he came upon this scene,
he could hear her very clearly. It was almost as if the wind was carrying her
voice right to his ears.
Wo came a
little closer and there was no reaction from her. The woman didn't stop
teaching and the students didn't look around. So, Wo sat down for a moment and
he listened to her teach. Then she said something that triggered a reaction in
him. She said the words, "You were born magnificent." This is not
anything that Wo had ever considered or heard before in his life. Humans don't
normally consider themselves magnificent. Humans, even in their best behavior -
in their highest integrity - believe they're adequate, but never magnificent.
It's not a common description that he had heard before from humanity. Her voice
was amazing. He could sit and listen to it for a very long time. Then she
turned to him and said, "Wo, why don't you come closer?" He was
Wo was
startled to find that she knew his name! Perhaps she had been in town before
and knew of Wo? Wo was known for his woodworking craft and he was good at it.
He had a nice job; he was happy and sufficient. Maybe they had his name someplace
and she had seen it? "I'm sure that was it," Wo pondered. But he was
curious. He moved closer.
Wo moved
close and sat in front of her, and she spoke directly to him: "Wo, would
you like to ask a question?"
Wo replied,
"Yes, I would."
Then she
told him, "Alright, but you have to understand the rules - and here they
are. You can ask one question, but I get to ask one back. That's how it will
Wo asked
his question: "Who are you?"
"I am
a sage," she said. "I'm a wisdom keeper. I am one who would tell you
the truth from any question you would ask. That's who I am. Wo, it's my turn to
ask you a question."
straightened up and he was ready. He thought he was ready, but the question she
asked, he did not expect.
She looked
at him and said, "Wo, have you heard the music?"
This almost
knocked him over. Wo immediately blurted out,
did you know about the music?"
that's another question," she smiled as she replied. "Now I get to
ask you still another."
Please answer!" Wo was stammering. "How did you know about the
every Human has the music," she replied.
Wo thought
for a moment. Wow, that means that every single Human could have that
astonishing vision and, perhaps, could experience what he had experienced.
a revelation. That's amazing," he said.
are you ready for my question back?"
Wo was ready.
what is your statement?" she asked
This took
him by surprise. In question form, she was asking for a statement. What is my
statement? Sages are known for being patient and she was. A great amount of
time passed between her question and, finally, his answer. Wo's mind ran
through scenarios of integrity, of really what, perhaps, his statement might
be. He queried himself: "What is my statement at this particular moment in
front of a sage who seems to know information about me that even I didn't
know?" He knew he sat in front of someone old and wise and she was giving
him a chance to speak his truth, and there was a great deal of time allowed to
students said nothing. They never did. They were simply quiet, sitting at her
feet. Finally, he got it - the idea of what she might have been asking for, and
then he knew.
Wo stood up
and he said, "My statement, dear Sage, is this: I want more."
She smiled
and said, "And so it will be! Please come back and I'll teach you
Wo went
home and was elated that, through synchronicity and intuition, he had actually
met somebody who could teach him. The teaching was: "Wo, you are
magnificent. You were born magnificent." These things rang with truth to
his ears and, that night, the music happened again!
This time,
he could see other things than the music. He saw those who were around him in
this vision, as if the music was happening while he was at work or in the
street. Then, he saw the reaction of other Human Beings and they stopped, cold.
They stopped everything and froze, but they didn't turn toward the music, as if
they weren't really hearing it. But somehow, they reacted. They stopped. There
it was again: The splendor of music that was somehow romantic and heroic and
made his mind soar with pride and compassion. Again, he wept. This was beautiful
beyond belief! This experience defined everything that he ever could ask for in
the way of beauty and truth. Think of yourself, dear ones, in a position where,
suddenly, you were presented with an otherworldly sound that was so perfect and
beautiful that you reacted to it, but you couldn't identify it. Yet, it was so
beautiful that all you wanted to do was sustain it and have more and more and
more. Then it ended.
Wo went
back. He went back to the Sage. There she was, teaching yet again, and he walked
in and again was invited to sit before her. She started telling him more and
more things. They were new and wonderful truths.
So, Wo was
slowly taught a little more and a little more and finally he asked the
question, yet again: "Sage, please tell me more about the music."
And she
said these words to him: "Wo, most Humans don't understand. They're like
an onion that needs to be peeled. The things that peel away are the things they
were taught that are not exactly correct. As they peel those things away, they
reveal core truths within their own consciousness. They peel away inaccurate
things that they were told by others. They peel away old habits. They peel away
fears until, finally, they come to a place where they get to the core Human
Being with no fear. Then they get to discover something: The Human Being is the
what is your statement?"
And Wo
said, "I want more, I want more!"
And this is
how it went with Wo. He came back to the town and he continued to live and work
in his village. He realized that he was the music. How could that be? Wo
started hearing those musical sonorities and those heroic melodies playing in
places that were outside of his dreams and visions. In fact, he could hear it
so subtly it made him smile, because every time he heard it, he felt
Soon, Wo
understood that he really did stand inside the guitar. He really did stand
inside the performing orchestra and he was the music. It was a heroic music of
truth that he was broadcasting everywhere he went. Some would hear it, and some
would not, but all stopped and felt something. Many realized that Wo had,
indeed, changed greatly. There was a magnificence in him and, wherever he
walked, they knew that there was something sacred, beautiful, and compassionate
in this man. He was different. Soon, some were sitting at his feet and
listening, for Wo had started teaching: What does it mean to know and love the
planet? What does it mean to understand being magnificent? What does it mean to
become one-with-everything? What does it mean to find out the Creator is bigger
than you were told? What does it mean to know you are here on purpose?
Wo went
back to the field for one more meeting with the Sage. He wanted one more, just
one more meeting. He did the trek to the meadow, and over the hill into the
field that used to be only grass where she did her teaching … but she was gone.
Instead of
a field of grass, there was a huge ancient tree, and around the tree were
beautiful flowers. Wo smiled and sat down. He realized what had happened. Even
the Sage had been a vision, and the students were the flowers. Gaia had been
teaching him! What he did next, I want you to remember, for it shows his
Wo marched
right into the field where he always sat, and he sat right in front of the
tree. He stated to the tree, "I want more." He could hear the
rustling of the leaves and the wind as though it answered him, and Wo sat there
for hours being taught more by Gaia. We leave Wo here.
Dear ones,
do I really have to tell you what this means? Each of you is magnificent and
has that onion to peel. As you peel away the inappropriate things, the fears of
life start to diminish and release. Previous perceptions that are not correct
show themselves, and integrity and compassion start to emerge. Then you start
understanding who you are more and more. You begin to see the light of your own
heroic life, and how magnificent you are in the eyes of the Creator. You
understand that magnificence is the image of love of the Creator that you carry
with you.
You begin
to understand that the best dreams and visions come not from Angels, but from
deep within yourself. Some of you, in this audience sitting here, have actually
had these experiences. The story is about self-awareness and victory over a
false reality that would have you believing that you are nothing, and that you
are victims of this Earth. The peelings of the onion are the dark, old parts,
that are not commensurate with your magnificence!
This is the
story for today. It's more than a story, dear ones; it is the internal music
that can change your life.
And so it is.
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