, August
7, 2016
This live
channelling was given in Anchorage, Alaska.
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Lee Carroll
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens
live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that
the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Anchorage,
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner literally steps away and
his consciousness is split. As many times as he does this, it's always new. He
knows what to expect, but each time it's slightly different. Dear ones, this is
channelling as he does it, and as we've said before, there is no generic way to
channel. A Human Being will open themselves up and channelling can come out in
song or the greatest paintings you have ever seen. Some of the greatest
creations of the centuries that you have experienced and enjoyed have been
channelled. The greatest melodies of the planet - channelled. The beautiful
sculptures that you see that speak to you have been channelled. So this
connection with the Creator comes out in so many different ways, but even those
who speak the words, as my partner is doing, have many different ways of doing
Some Humans
must be literally taken out of their own consciousness and, therefore, they
remember nothing. Then there's my partner who has asked to remain present. It's
because he did it this way that it took him longer to understand what is being
said, to cognize it, and to check the messages for integrity.
Dear ones,
this morning I gave a message and I wish to summarize it later in this
channelling for those listening and reading. The message told of a concept that
we wish to review. It's a concept that many have not heard, and I want to tell
you about it and also add something else to it. That will come in a moment, but
before I go any further, I want to tell you that it is not a random accident
that brings you to the chairs where you are listening and reading. Long after
you leave that chair, this message continues. For those physically here, there
is often very linear thinking that knows how meetings go. This thinking says,
you've come to an event and when it's over, it's over. You leave and go home.
The channeller leaves, too, and it's over. I'd like to tell you, however, that
this is not accurate at all. The connection that was made remains. If you have made
a connection this day and have felt something different that was pleasant to
you, that was compassionate to you, that felt like home to you, you have made a
connection with Spirit. When the channeller leaves, even long after he leaves,
the connection remains.
We have
said this so often, but you need to hear it over and over, and in this room:
You're never alone - never! An entourage is always with you, literally. It's
the same group that always was there, but if you made a connection, you're
feeling it more. In fact, you have given permission to "open the
door" and let more of them in. I'll tell you more about what I said this
morning in a moment, for it is part of this lesson about The Field.
The Field,
Part 2
A little
while ago, we started talking about something in physics that is very odd and
seemingly new. We talked about something called The Field. The phenomenon of
this has been known in physics by many names and we'll say yet again, those who
would use the word entrainment or even entanglement only have a piece or a part
of the story. The Field is something that is very real and plays a bigger part
than ever in the new energy on the planet. The Field is what we jokingly called
“physics with an attitude”.
You would
expect there to be a balance in physics, yes? The answer is always yes. You
would expect physics and biology to work together in harmony to always create
things that work well, right? Again, the answer is yes. You also know that
there is a specific kind of harmony that happens, a symbiosis between the very
elements of nature and physics. If you try to disturb one attribute, it
disturbs them all. It's very difficult for humanity to ever balance something
that has gone out of balance in physics or nature, because Humans changed it.
So, already you know that nature craves a certain kind of balance, and it
achieves it whether Humans are here or not. So science acknowledges that
there's a system. You also personally know there's a system in metaphysics. But
The Field is something that is above and beyond all this, and The Field is
starting to present itself on this planet in a greater way because of the
The Marker
Has Been Passed
When you
made this 2012 shift, dear humanity, it's almost like you made a statement
saying, “I'm staying.” There's an evolutionary process that is starting to
occur, and we've discussed it over and over. But in this process, there is also
a catalyst that starts to occur. It's a catalyst that affects the very physics
of reality around you, and that actually cooperates with harmonious things you
are working on. We said many times earlier, "The wind is at your back in
this new energy." It's more than that.
The field,
as defined early, is a benevolent energy around you that wishes to create
harmony. It pushes things together to create harmony. Right away, you might
say, "Wait a moment. Physics is supposed to be something that is absolute
and static. It's a set of rules that defines how things work. It's not
something with a consciousness." Indeed, that's what you learned; however,
I'm telling you that here is a physical law that has an attribute that tries to
connect things. Can this be? Dear ones, this is no different than Mother Nature
or Gaia. It really isn't. It's simply another kind of symbiotic relationship, only
this one is the Human Being's connection or relationship to the creative
source. It's something that pushes things together, makes them work
differently, and opens doors and avenues of harmony. It's called The Field.
We'll talk more and more about this, but right now The Field is becoming
evident and more obvious, and it's starting to create different kinds of things
than you might expect.
This Morning
Back to the
message of this morning: I started to tell you that there are reasons why Human
Beings live in areas of this planet that have not seen war. If you take a look
at where most of the channellers have come from in the last 25 years, it will
be from lands that did not see war. This is because the Crystalline Grid of
this planet remembers what Humans do over centuries, and presents them in real
time to those who live there now. So those who find places to live all over
this planet that are fresh, that have had no layers of drama and war and death
and sorrow, are literally sitting on virgin consciousness land - untouched by
the darkness of mass Human killing.
The Old
Soul Connection
This kind
of land also creates something that The Field is now using more. Many are
called to certain areas all over the planet and wonder why they are called there,
why they live there. It doesn't seem to matter what the temperature is either.
[Smile - this channel was in Alaska]. You come to a place and you feel this is
your place, and this is where you stay. Even if you leave, you are continually
drawn back. There is a certain kind of consciousness that permeates a place of
this nature, all over the planet. It's something that I want to talk about.
My partner
was recently in a place called Patagonia - beautiful, remote, untouched. Very
few people live there, but those who do will tell you that they are going to
stay there. For them, there is no other place like it on the planet. Perhaps
they feel that they are even called to be there. Even some of them live alone
there. There are other places just like this one where there have been no big
wars, no mass destruction, and that have layers and layers of history that is
clean. Those who live there feel it. These places are also more allied with
Gaia and nature than most other places on the planet.
Now, this
explanation should be helpful for those of you who are listening and reading,
who live in some of these places and wonder why they are there. We've talked
about this while in the deserts, the wilderness, the islands and the
mountaintops. We've talked about this all over the planet where these kinds of
places exist. There's something happening to you. If you live in one of these
places, I will tell you that in this new energy, because of The Field, there is
a stronger connection between you and all of humanity! Now, you thought you
were a hermit, didn't you?
Those of
you who are old souls are connected to others who are old souls. Did you know
that? The connection is esoteric and not physical. It's your esoteric family.
Listen, there are many old souls in places that are not pristine, and that are
not fresh at all. Think of those in the Middle East on either side of the
situation. They sit upon land that is always ripe with trouble. They live on
layer after layer of horror. As far down as they dig, they find other cities
that were conquered and taken with great sorrow and death. What chance do they
have when they go into a meditative state? How can they get to a place of even
neutrality of consciousness? How can they begin to create a peaceful
countenance that comes with a pristine energy? The answer? I'll tell you for
the first time: The Field is harmonizing them together.
They can go
into a meditative state and have an alliance with what is in your area because
you are there holding it. They can feel the absolute beauty, freshness and
virginity of the land. The connection with Gaia that is in these places can be
used by them, and they're not even there! The reason is because those who are
in those places are transmitting it to them without even knowing it. This is
part of what the old soul does that is new and very esoteric. So if you live in
one of these places anywhere on the planet, and are aware of these things, you
are being what I call a lighthouse - a transmitter for what you have that they
don't have but desperately need. This is important for you to know. In troubled
places all over the planet, they are being helped because you live in one of
these areas and are holding this energy for them.
This is
fairly new information, for The Field has always been in existence, but in this
new energy, past 2012, it's one of the physical attributes of Gaia that is
beginning to change and shift. This change in The Field is not only occurring
because you made the shift, but it's being triggered by the nodes and the
nulls,(*) which we have discussed many times before. That is the trigger for
something to happen on the Crystalline Grid. As these 12 pairs of nodes and nulls
are engaged over time, they will then align the Crystalline Grid to a far
better posturing that will cooperate with a higher Human consciousness. Gaia is
really involved here more than ever before, so this is good information for
those who wish to sit and feel the pristineness and the beauty of Gaia in a
place that simply doesn't have it.
Many old
souls are in a very difficult place. Perhaps they are in the middle of a big
city, not connected. There may be mechanical things all around, magnetic fields
that are interfering with life. How are they ever going to feel the beauty and
wonder of Gaia? So I will say to them, just tune in, because there are
transmitters and lighthouses all over this planet in these pristine areas who
are beautiful and connected with Mother Nature in a way that is solid and
forever. I invite them to feel it. That's just one of the new things. Old souls
are starting to transmit to each other. Now you shouldn't be surprised that
these kinds of things are happening.
with Others
another attribute as well. This is difficult to talk about because it has to do
with Human nature, personality, old bad habits and fears. It's personal, but
necessary to bring forward. Let me ask you: For anyone listening or reading
right now, how do you talk to others? What's the natural, neutral point? I'm
asking the audience who is listening and reading now. Perhaps you would say,
"Well, I have to be a little forceful to get what I need because I live in
a difficult place. So I approach things perhaps with a little more
aggressiveness than most people do." I would ask you this question,
"Does that mean you are unkind to them?" The response: "Well, I
don't mean to be, but sometimes they say I am. But this is the only way I can
get what I need." And I say, "Really?"
is going to happen soon, and I want to tell you what it is because of The
Field. Dear ones, for many years I have said that within this new energy there
can be no more fence-sitting. What I mean by this is that you cannot claim to
be one thing and then go out and be another. This has many names, but the
fence-sitter is the best. For example, you like my message, but you don't want
to necessarily commit to these esoteric things when the channel is over.
How do you
treat the server who comes to your table when you have dinner? Is this person a
servant or family? How do you treat those on the road who cut you off? What do
you say about others when they're not present? Now, you might say, "Well,
that's good advice. Thank you Kryon. I'll be more kind." That's not what
I'm telling you. I would like to tell you that there is something going on. You
see, The Field wants harmony. It tries to put things together and it's starting
to increase its effect. "What?" you might ask. "How can physics
'want' anything?" Water runs downhill. Does physics want that? Not on a
conscious level. It creates it due to the law of gravity. What if there are
also additional laws of harmony? What if harshness creates unwanted results?
Stay with me.
The Field
is all around you. You listen to Kryon perhaps, and you've been to esoteric
meetings perhaps. You've heard everything that I have had to say about the
beauty of compassion and how you're moving into the age of compassion. You've
even heard what compassionate action means. You listen and you listen, nodding
your head, then you go out and do whatever you want to.
somebody is not pleasing to you, you're unkind to them. The reason? Habit. It's
the only way you've lived before. Perhaps insulting people and being harsh gets
you results, and that works for you? For you, it's just the way of it. Then
you'll come back to our meeting, listen to Kryon, and feel very good. You're
very spiritual until you leave the meeting. Then the habit continues. This isn't
going to work anymore, at all. Let me tell you why.
Dear ones,
The Field wants to create harmony and put things together. If The Field cannot
put things together, things become more unbalanced than ever. If water can't
flow downhill in a groove, it spills over into places and it creates floods and
destruction. How would you like to age faster and die quicker? If that's what
you want, then continue, fence-sitter, because you're very cellular structure
will be pushed by The Field towards harmony, which you reject due to your
habits. That rejection creates unbalance in your chemistry. That will result in
unbalance in your personality. There is still another attribute for this
unbalance, and some of you will feel it and wonder why you're so tired all the
time. Are you somehow fence-sitting?
This is so
profound, yet many of you don't even know it's happening. I will tell you that
the ones who have learned compassion will live a lot longer. Right now, things
are happening that we told you might happen if you passed the marker. When I
got here 26 years ago, I told you to expect some of these things and now
they're happening. One of them is this: You cannot sit on the fence. You either
are connected in some way to Spirit with intent or you're not. You can't pretend,
because your body knows.
Dear ones,
this is not a punishment, but rather a balance within a physical system. It's a
system of beauty. It wants to harmonize that which you do, and it's a very
benevolent system. There are those who say, "Well Kryon, I hear you. I'd
like to do this; I'd like to harmonize more but I've had a whole life of this
habit. It's just the way I work. What can I do?" Here's what I want to
tell you: With this new energy comes a much higher reaction to a certain given
consciousness. Your intent and affirmations to change into a more compassionate
person can work miracles. Let your body hear it and The Field will hear it.
Your intent is energy. The Field is energy. This is physics, and The Field will
help this process for you. It's going to be the wind behind your back and
you're going to find yourself thinking about things differently, looking at
others differently, using different words, and changing your habit.
Many are
even reporting that they have more energy due to this refreshing change. You're
going to feel your cellular structure healing when it never did before. Sores
on your body will heal up faster, did you know that? This is real. Hair will
grow faster, nails will grow faster. The reason? Because there is a harmony
here that hasn't been here for a very long time. You are creating a groove for
the water that was never there before. How would you like to take everything
that I've said through the years and finally apply it to your persona so that
you become a more compassionate person and slower to anger? All of this is
possible because The Field is on your side. Think of it as a magnificent
angelic presence that is ready to help you with everything that you're asking
to become - more compassionate, more master-like.
I already
told you the results, and it's not just that you're going to live longer.
People will notice your shift, people directly around you. If you're young
enough, your children will notice. May I say, even your animals will notice!
They'll come to you when they didn't before, because now you emanate peace on
the patterning of your Merkabah, a multidimensional patterning that is totally
different than the pattern it was before. Animals can sense this. No anger,
very little drama, a peaceful countenance - you actually invite compassion!
Dear ones,
I would not give you this information if it were not so. I want you to get
ready for more of this. It's starting to happen everywhere on the planet, but
especially I speak to old souls who are fence-sitters and wish to change. Come
and enjoy the energy! You will find that the results of new compassion on
others is far grander than the results of what your old habit was able to do.
It's time
to come to alignment with the creative source, which is an energy of awakening
all through your body. It is here for you and always has been. The easiest
thing you can do is to relax and find the compassion that has always been
there. These are the things that I wished to tell you today. These are the
things that need to be said. This is what is happening within the shift. You're
going to see it in so many ways, and you can watch it as well, for even those
on the planet who are not invested in spirituality will have some similar
results by applying compassion.
dear ones, old energy and dark ways will be with you for a long time, trying to
re-establish themselves. Some will even tell you that you should NOT be a kind
person. They will tell you that kindness is weakness, and ask you, "Do you
want to be weak?" It's an old ploy to trick you into going backwards into
the ways of the past, and many will buy into it. What are the results?
Those who
are unkind will bring unkindness; they will bring unbalance; they will manifest
their own demise. Those who are gracious and compassionate will attract that
which is beautiful, and it works. Watch for it. Also, watch for the tricksters,
for there is still a battle. It used to be that how you acted was neutral on
this planet. Not now. There are those who would ask, "How could that
person exist and be so ugly to other people? How can they sleep at night?"
You've heard that before. Well, I'm going to tell you something. Those days are
over and they won't sleep at night. They will create their own eventual demise.
There are situations coming up that will show you this very thing.
Here's the
payoff: There's more light on this planet than ever before. It creates several
things, and we have said it before. Watch for the darkness to fight you like
never before, and watch for The Field of harmony to invade everything. It's
almost like the beauty of Mother Nature is starting to affect humanity as well.
The Field will try to create symbiotic systems that work together with
compassion and beauty. It's going to change Human nature and we've said that
before as well. Hang in there, old soul, and expect good things no matter what
you see or expected in the past.
I am Kryon,
in love with humanity, congratulating you on your part of the shift.
And so it is.
Related Articles:
“THE FIELD - PART ONE" – (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll)
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Balance & Compassion will be the Key to Life |
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