April 10, 2016
This live
channelling was given in Columbus Ohio.
![]() |
Lee Carroll
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens
live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that
the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Columbus,
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The entourage is still here and the
listeners of the future are here. Dear listener of the future, isn't it
interesting that right now for some is really the past? But somehow, we are all
together, in the "now"
teaching of the day is that, by design, the Human Being is becoming a bit more
multidimensional each year. The processes of your reality and your life can
shift this way because the new tools are becoming part of your regular,
conscious life. Human nature will begin to change, and a shift in your
awareness is at hand. All this will help you practice getting around the old
habits and the old ways of life, if you wish.
Change is
tough. Change is tough because it begets [creates] other things that are also
tough. You change one thing and other things around you change. You intuitively
know this and there's a resistance to it. This resistance is totally normal and
common, and eventually you will get through the discomfort. The interesting
thing that we wish to tell you about, and perhaps even convince you of, is
this: The changes you make today are not only going to create more changes, but
also more benevolence. God is in love with you so much that this God, this
creative source, sees what you do and matches the benevolence of it with
This whole
concept defies your reality and your physics. Trusting in the unseen is tough!
However, Spirit has multidimensionality and you don't. Spirit loves you so much
that the reward for your trust will be that everything you do will have "a
benevolent shine" upon it. You're going to feel better about what you're
doing than ever before, and you're going to enjoy it.
Imagine stepping
into the unknown and being giddy about it instead of afraid. Imagine racing
towards that unknown bridge that we talked about so many years ago and
accelerating towards the unknown instead of putting your foot on the brake.
This is the attitude of faith that Spirit sees, and it tells a lot about who
you are.
that you have, which is also tuned to the consciousness that you enjoy, also
sees this. So does your heart, your pineal and your logical brain. They all see
this, too. This is the power of what we have described in the past as
"pure intent" or "compassionate action". All this works
together to make it comfortable for you. This is new. In the past when you
stepped out to live your faith, there wasn't a support team like there is now.
In an older energy, it wasn't there like it is today. You hadn't created it
yet, but now you have. And again, we say this: Things are not always as they
seem, and what you try again today may work well, even if it failed before.
I would
like to title this particular short message "Getting Connected, Part
Two". It is an addendum to the last message that I gave yesterday. The
last message was one that will be available to all of you, so you can hear it
if you wish. But this message should also make sense all by itself.
A New Kind
of Connection
In review,
we spoke of your DNA having a multidimensional spin on it. What this means is
that it is partly quantum [has quantum attributes that have been proven]. We've
also told you that because of this, your DNA can generate a small "quantum
event". We also told you that this new energy being seen on this planet is
changing all of humanity, not just old souls. Many are starting to awaken to
new kinds of possibilities, and they are using these possibilities to do many
things that may seem magical to you since they are so different.
We also
told you that your Akashic Record resides in that vast memory of DNA that was
recently seen in science as the storehouse of data and information previously
unknown. So formerly labeled "junk DNA" is now known to contain an
amazing amount of information. Your Akash is part of this (as we told you years
ago), and is going to start coming forward in ways you didn't expect - and
you're not going to believe it.
Things will
start to occur within individual Humans that you will dismiss as not real,
because the Human that you are, and who you know and love, has only existed so
far in 3D [limited dimensionality]. Even slightly quantum things will not be
expected. What does humanity do, especially in the old energy, when they find
someone who is fully psychic? Everyone either wants a piece of it or they want
to run from it. It's often called magic or evil. The government wants it, even
though it is not fully understood. Many simply deny it and don't know what to
do with it. What if I told you that this simple example is just a peek at what
is going to happen? Are you ready for it?
A super
psychic person, a person who might even be called a pre-cog [precognitive
individual], is one who can pick up on the potentials of reality that exist in
the circle of time. However, this person will speak about events as though it
had already happened. Potentials carry the same energy as the real thing.
Sometimes the pre-cogs are put on some kind of a pedestal or whisked away to a
secret kind of room. They might be correct in what they see, or not, depending
on what Humans do with the potentials. But they are seen as different, and
often scary.
A psychic
can help the police over and over, yet many police will shut the door and roll
their eyes and say it's not true. It's not real to them because it's not
something they can deal with in 3D. You see what I'm saying? This is about to
change. More and more, Humans are going to become aware of special things that
only they can do. They will have special remembrances and they won't know what
to do with them. They may even pick up on potentials around them.
"Wo" Example
I wish to
make this simple, for that's when the most understanding occurs. I want to
introduce you to Wo. This is really not another parable like the others, but
just an example. Wo is anywhere from four to six years old and he is in the new
energy. Wo starts telling his parents who he used to be. He starts to tell them
what it was like when he was in the family, but in a different way. He says to
his mother, "You're the best mother I've ever had so far." Wo starts
to recite things that are odd and strange, as this child remembers so much
detail about things he shouldn't be able to know that took place in another
Let me tell
you why Wo is able to remember his Akash. He is a new child in the new energy
with an increased DNA efficiency. He represents the beginning of what we have
called the consciousness evolution. He has a slightly different DNA because of
this. You can't measure it chemically, but you can see it in what he says and
does. You may wish to call it a smarter, wiser Wo, but we will say it's
different than that. He is vibrating higher - a different consciousness that's
allowing Wo to remember things from his Earth past very quickly. He is becoming
slightly multidimensional. However, the child has no past history as an adult
in his current life, therefore, he has few social restraints. He has no box of
belief yet.
Wo doesn't
know any better, so he blurts out what he sees, feels, and remembers. He is
also very attentive to the reaction from his parents. His parents are
everything to him. Do they believe him? Are they going to shut him down? Are
they going to tell him it's just a dream? Or, are they going to listen? How
they react will determine how Wo constructs his next sentence, and the others
from then on, about his truth.
continues to tell them who he's been, where he's been, and what he's done.
There are no restraints to his fresh memory and there are no rules yet of how
to behave socially. He hasn't lived a life around other people yet. He doesn't
know to be silent or they'll think he's odd or strange or weird. All he has is
his parents and he's looking carefully at them now. He can sense how they are
taking all this. He is simply stating truth and Wo is awakening in a very new
energy, as a child. But as a child, he needs acceptance.
Advice For
Parents who have a "WO"
So the
first thing I want to tell you is that many of you may have a "Wo"
either coming or here. What are you going to do with your children or your
grandchildren who are starting to do this? I'm speaking to an expectant mother
right now, but she's not in this room. Dear one, you're going to get this from
your child! You've got a belief system right now that's in a defined box. I
know who I'm talking to. I don't want you to be afraid of it. I'm going to give
you instructions that are the instructions for everyone, and here they are:
When any child starts to talk about what they are remembering from their Akash,
listen. No matter what you're doing, stop and listen. If you're late for
school, I want you to stop and listen. School can wait. If you're late for
work, I want you to stop and listen. The work can wait.
The reason
I'm telling you this is because these kinds of remembrances will not
necessarily stay very long with your "Wo". You may not hear it again
because as the child grows up, the child is going to learn about the box, about
what those around him, including his peers, feel is accurate and true. He'll
talk about the angel in the room who he speaks to and it will be real to him.
It will remain real until he tells it to a peer who is not ready to hear it.
Perhaps it's an older peer who will make fun of him for believing in the “tooth
fairy" and all other fake entities. Then the child will shut up.
reaction and parental attitudes are his antennas, and they are all listening
for acceptance. If you brush it off or don't accept it, he'll be quiet about if
from then on, and eventually it will be forgotten. I want you to stop what
you're doing and listen. I want you to portray to the child that you're
interested and you believe the stories, and that you're fascinated. Tell the
child that you love what is being said. Stop and listen.
I want you
to broadcast your acceptance about everything your Wo is telling you. If
there's an opportunity, I want you to ask questions. "Tell me more! This information is really great! It's
wonderful that you're telling me these things. I love you even more for it.
Please tell me more." If the child sees this acceptance, mom and dad, I'll
tell you something: It won't matter what his peers do, because he'll always
have a friend who he can talk to about the angel in the corner, or who he
remembers he used to be, or how many times he's been alive. It's going to
happen more and more on this planet, and with free choice you new parents have
the ability to fast-track what happens next by how you treat a child who starts
to remember the "bigger picture". This is a Human becoming slightly
Will You
Allow Your Akash to Bring Things Forward?
Let's leave
Wo at home with his parents now, and look at another example. Your higher
consciousness as an old soul may also see the angel in the corner. Perhaps it
will come alive to you, and maybe you actually might be able to communicate -
not to a ghost, not to an apparition - but to that which personifies the love
of the Creator. This magical friend that you might have had as a child comes
alive yet again!
So, let me
ask you this: Will you allow it or is it too late? Are you now too invested in
the box to change? When you start having remembrances and possibilities of who
you really are from your Akash, what will you do? Perhaps it will be in vivid
dreams that try to show you the magnificence of your purpose on Earth. Will you
treat it as a dream, as a fantasy or perhaps as a weird thing? Will you forget
it and close the door and not tell a soul about it? Or will you shout it out
loud to those who would listen and believe and understand and celebrate it? You
see, it may happen.
Old soul,
you are the one to start having these dreams, these new realities. As your DNA
starts to increase in its efficiency and you give permission for a higher
consciousness, it may begin. It won't just happen to the children. It can't be
only them, since you're the ones with the most experience at the moment. The
children will get there eventually, since they're old souls too, but you have
the wisdom to understand it now.
As these things
start to happen to you as an adult, no matter what age you are, old soul,
there's a tendency to suppress it. Perhaps you will instead question it and go
to somebody who will listen to you and say, "I've had a weird thing
happen." Don't you dare say that! It's not weird; it's a normal thing! The
only thing weird is a Human who has lived with the grand potentials of this for
eons and never used it! That's weird!
If you're
someone who can transmute time, and there's some in here who know exactly what
I'm talking about, I want you to claim it. If you're one here or listening who
has had what I will call a multidimensional experience, I don't want you to
tell somebody it was weird. I want you to stand up and claim that you're moving
out of this 3D box and you're starting to realize that you are having
experiences that you've earned! The shift is here and the old soul is starting
to feel the new tools!
Some of you
will have strange things happen that are only strange because they are outside
of the box of your past belief. Do you have the courage to celebrate a voice in
your head called intuition, which you hear for the first time? Or are you going
to run to the doctor? It's your choice. That's the addendum that I want to put
forward as another way of connecting with God. Being connected isn't simply a
realization of spiritual things. It's becoming them! Being connected is being a
part of the shift and the new energy of the planet. Gone are the days when you
just sit and watch it all. Now, you are helping to create it.
enough for today, and you've had enough teaching in this room to know what I'm
talking about [speaking of a two-day seminar].
I would
love you to leave this place differently than you came. Reader, I want the same
for you. Sit for a moment and ponder whether this is real for you or not. What
has been said and taught this day goes beyond the box that you have lived in
called "normal" all your lives. What you should know is that beyond
the box is the real world. The one you have been living in is the limited world.
awareness alone will allow those in this room and reading to change that need
within you to intellectualize all this. Remember this: All you have to
intellectualize anything is your old experiences in the box! All that you have
to judge anything at this point is only what you have already experienced.
Therefore, if it's something brand new and never experienced yet, all you have
are the old analysis tools to validate it. All you really have is the trust and
the intuition if it is real or not. The black and white person who sees color
for the first time has the tendency to question his perception, rather than
enjoy the magnificent of a new, colorful world. Many will talk themselves right
out of actually seeing the color and remain in black and white. The realization
of this very Human pitfall will help you to get past the old thinking that may
have kept you from believing any of these things.
changes are here for you now. The next time you meditate, say this: "Dear
Spirit, I'm in love with the creative source and I'm part of it. I don't
understand much of it, but being in love means I don't have to. Dear Spirit,
show me what I need to know. Give me the intuition that will guide me to places
that I don't expect, and in the process let me have joy in my life. As I walk
into what appears to be the dark, let me understand that it is really a new
kind of perfect light - one I never saw before now."
And so it is.
Related Articles:
"GETTING CONNECTED - Part One" – (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll)
"Listening to the Voice of Spirit" (2) - Feb 20, 2016 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (DNA Efficiency is on average at 35 percent now) - (Text version)
“… With free choice, the percentage of DNA efficiently started to go down as humanity grew. As soon as the DNA started to lose percentage, the gender balance was dysfunctional. If you want to have a test of any society, anywhere on the planet, and you want to know the DNA percentage number [consciousness quota] as a society, there's an easy test: How do they perceive and treat their women? The higher the DNA functionality, the more the feminine divine is honored. This is the test! Different cultures create different DNA consciousness, even at the same time on the planet. So you can have a culture on Earth at 25 percent and one at 37 - and if you did, they would indeed clash. …”
“… You're at 35. There's an equality here, you're starting to see the dark and light, and it's changing everything. You take a look at history and you've come a long way, but it took a long time to get here. Dear ones, we've seen this process before and the snowball is rolling. There isn't anything in the way that's going to stop it. In the path of this snowball of higher consciousness are all kinds of things that will be run over and perish. Part of this is what you call "the establishment". Watch for some very big established things to fall over! The snowball will simply knock them down. …”
“… You're at 35. There's an equality here, you're starting to see the dark and light, and it's changing everything. You take a look at history and you've come a long way, but it took a long time to get here. Dear ones, we've seen this process before and the snowball is rolling. There isn't anything in the way that's going to stop it. In the path of this snowball of higher consciousness are all kinds of things that will be run over and perish. Part of this is what you call "the establishment". Watch for some very big established things to fall over! The snowball will simply knock them down. …”
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