January 23, 2016
This live
channelling was given in San Antonio, Colorado.
![]() |
Lee Carroll
To help the
reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added. Often what happens
live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that
the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in San Antonio,
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a time where my partner
steps aside. We say this again so you know he is not part of the consciousness
of the message. Channelling may seem mysterious and odd to you, for it uses the
Human Being's intellect, education, voice, maturity and wisdom, but the message
comes from somewhere else. My partner calls it a steady stream of intuitive
thought groups. My partner is here but he's not here. When I say, "He
steps aside," he literally opens this vessel [body] and through the pineal
and his Higher-Self comes the messages you hear. I tell you this so you'll know
it's not him speaking.
There is
energy all around you, and there are invisible things around you. This morning
we talked about the "Kryon Entourage", and it is still here. It's not
countable, since it's pure energy. So much of what you see around you, sense
around you, and feel around you is energy. Energy comes in many, many forms,
and not all of it is even documented as energy. For you to believe this message
about energy, often times Humans need to quantify it and qualify it. You want
to measure its vibrational attributes, and sometimes you can't. The reason you
can't is because your science is not there yet. This is not a criticism of
science, but a simple fact that there is more to learn. Sound happened without
ears to hear it, and light is there without eyes to see it.
The Bias of
There is a
question for Kryon that I've been asked before: “Is the esoteric world
something that someday we'll know more about through science?" And the
answer is yes. At the moment, because of an earth that has not yet come into
its own, there are many things that are separated and linearized that would be
far more understood if they were not. We've spoken of it before - the highest
education universities and colleges on the planet have decided to separate out
all studies into categories. This is done for specialization and efficiency,
but it comes with a price.
chemistry, biology and medicine are all approached as if they are standalone
sciences. Of course, they are related, but there is no place in education
campuses where there is an "integration building" for putting it all
together. There will be some who will say, "Well, of course, we have to do
it this way because each one needs its own curriculum of study. There's simply
no way we could put it together, since it needs to be studied independently.
There is simply too much to know about each." Let me tell you something,
dear Human: There is indeed a way to put these things together. You just
haven't thought of it yet and haven't considered the "integration"
phase of this puzzle. If you knew the profundity of the relationship everything
had to everything, you would immediately understand that a change is needed.
You can have "integration steps" or reviews. But even that is
One thing
leads to another and discoveries are made. But since you study the isolated
properties of one area of science, the discoveries often enhance only the one
science. Chemistry leads to more chemistry, etc., and only chemists are
involved. There are actual puzzles in each of the independent studies that are
only solvable by integration into the others. But quite often they remain
puzzles since nobody is "looking around" to the other areas of study.
Did you know that it has only been recently that science has postulated the
idea that the magnetic field of the planet is needed for life? I told you this
in 1993, yet there is still no hard science to show it, even with all your
tools. The bias of separating the sciences has kept many things from you. You
just didn't want to put physics with biology.
There are
ways of integrating all of it, especially chemistry and physics. When you start
doing this, dear ones, it will lead to great discovery, but that won't happen
as long as it's separated. You have specialists in one field and specialists in
another. Sometimes they get together and party and that's about it. They don't
really get together to discuss what they're specializing in. How can you
separate these things and be a complete scientist?
It took you
more than 20 years to discover that more than 90 percent of DNA was data, not
code-containing chemistry. All this time, it was called "junk"
because you misdiagnosed it. It took linguists to discover it. They saw
language pattern, not chemistry patterns. This is what is wrong with only
having chemists and biologists look at complex and unknown chemistry puzzles.
Your assumptions and biases kept this beautiful information from you for
The Coming
Integration of Science
So the
first prediction we give you is an academic one. There is a new consciousness
coming and with it comes new wisdom. There will be some "scientific common
sense" that will see the incredible value of aligning together confluences
of study that used to be separate. That's the best I can give you, not the
it's so obvious that it needs to be this way, that there will come a day when
you'll look back and say, "What were we thinking?" Can you imagine a
world where no foods ever got mixed together for a meal, then suddenly
specialized chefs get together and make major food discoveries? Far-reaching
ingredients go together and make better meals. What a concept!
Can you
imagine how communications would be if you tried learning a language and you
had to report to the verb building, then the adjective department and, lastly,
the noun pavilion? Nobody would be able to speak the language, only discuss it
as to what the "puzzle of the parts" contains. The language of
physics is going to be seen and will bring you some revelations about biology,
chemistry and consciousness.
The channel
today is about the coming new consciousness and how it will change things.
There are some new things we wish to tell you and some things we want to
discuss with you. We love to talk about the future of humanity and the
potentials before you.
The Vast
Invisible World That is Before You
What do you
know about invisible things? First, let's discuss invisible things that are not
esoteric. Let's go into that which is real to you and also invisible. Let's go
to what you call the brass tacks of invisibility. There are multiple, physical,
profound and powerful energies around you that interface with you every single
day, but that are completely and totally invisible to you as Human Beings.
However, you accept them and you work with them and you say, "Well,
they're invisible but that's just the way things are. It doesn't bother
Everyone on Earth is affected by gravity! But it's invisible! We have given you
many channellings on the physics of gravity, and we have told you that it is
variable and controllable, and eventually you'll know why. We told you that it
is not necessarily linked to mass in the empirical way you think. In fact, you
can tune it to the amount you want if you knew a little more about how to
change the mass of objects. It's just a matter of time and discovery, and what
will follow will be very reasonable and very logical scientifically. One thing
leads to another and leads to another and, finally, there will be discoveries
that allow you to do things, which in the past seemed scientifically ludicrous.
Someday gravity will be able to be seen and measured with instruments you have
yet to discover. When you know more about the physics of gravity, you will know
how to see it in all its glory. It's coming.
The science
of anything becomes more real to you when you can see the physical patterns of
it. By the way, when you can finally see the patterns of gravity, you will
understand a little bit more about how to alter it. There will be secrets
revealed within the patterns you can't see at the moment. Quantum things do not
exist in a way you can see them as you are used to in 3D. This will require
discoveries that are coming that will be scientific and developed with a new
understanding and consciousness. That's just one. (*)
The Coming
My partner
speaks of the magnetic field constantly. You know it's there, because your
compasses point to the top of it. Something is physically there, and it's invisible. This couch of
consciousness that you sit in, which literally is tied to life force on the
planet, is completely and totally invisible. Yet there'll come a time when it's
not. Your eyes won't see it, dear ones, but the instruments to come will. Imagine
seeing gravity? Imagine seeing the magnetic field? What is it going to look
like? What will the instruments tell you are the colors and the vibrations?
Will there be patterns, or will it simply be a swirling mass of energy?
Let me tell
you a secret that is not a secret to any physicist or any biologist. Everything
has patterns - everything. The fractals are always there. The big to the
little, the little to the big and the very shapes of the patterns and designs
of everything you see are literal giveaways to what creates them. This will
then lead you to the next step. You'll understand why the magnetic grid does
what it does, and you'll understand how it allies with biology and Human
thinking. You may even be able to tune it slightly for health! These things are
all coming. It's going to be science, and it's not going to be esoterics, but
it will lead to beautiful esoteric discovery.
We have
told you over and over again that there will come a time when these very
instruments will be turned toward Human Beings and a revelation will occur in
science. It will be revealed clearly that Human Beings have some kind of
quantumness around them. As the instruments become more fine-tuned, there will
be ways of actually seeing and measuring the patterns around the Human Being.
Dear ones, this is the sacred physics of the Human - the Merkabah.
You better
put these things together soon, because if you stay in the boxes and the
compartments, you won't receive answers. You won't understand the correlations
and the confluences and how they work with one another. Scientists, it's time
to think out of the box of specialization. This is a linear approach to solving
problems that are circular.
Predictions of the Future
All of
these above things, I predict. I can predict these things because the
potentials are here. These identical potentials have been seen before in other
societies that have gotten to the place that you are in, with the science
similar to what you have. I can predict this because it's happened before, and
some in this room will understand that the ball is rolling [teaching about
reality in the seminar]. It's inevitable. There are scientists on this planet
right now who are getting insight that will lead to these very discoveries in
the future. All of it is coming your way. There is a logical progression to
thinking and wisdom. You walk before you run and, therefore, I can tell you
these things are coming.
Let me tell
you something now about this room you are in - don't be afraid [Kryon being
funny]. Did you know there are invisible things in this room that are
dangerous? Did you know that right now in this room there are invisible things
that are lurking that can lead to disease if you're not careful? Did you know
that? They are here with you! Gasp! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid because
they are - germs!
Now, if I
had said that 100 years ago, there would be disbelief. "Ah, this is just
esoteric talk, and no such thing could be real." Many laughed and laughed
at the idea. But your science made it real to you. When you developed the
instruments that could see tiny microscopic attributes of life, a whole new
world opened up. It was hidden all along, but suddenly science made it real. Do
you see where I'm going with this? Dear ones, it is your legacy to come to the
place where your science and your physics and your knowledge start to ally with
the confluence of a new, wiser consciousness. You will have new invention, and
it will open up many areas of tremendous help for you.
inventions are going to give you as much water as you will ever need to grow
things, and to drink, almost anywhere on Earth. The salt in your oceans will
easily be removed with real-time, efficient inventions that use magnetics.
Energy will be far easier to obtain, and it will be produced in abundance with
free and abundant heat. Population growth won't be an issue, since higher
consciousness will create the wisdom of knowing when and if to have children
(as the indigenous have been doing for thousands of years). You'll look back
someday and say, "We were foolish. We didn't know anything about anything,
and it's amazing we even survived." I'm telling you this because of what's
coming. It leads me to talk about Human consciousness.
What do you
think consciousness is? "Well, Kryon, it's thinking. It's the way people
think. You might say consciousness is the description of the paradigm of
thinking." Indeed, it is! But you left out the part of the valuation of
high and low thinking. What might happen if you developed physics instruments
that could actually see consciousness? "Kryon, do you mean that it is
seeable?" Of course, it's physics! What happens when you are frustrated
and crash your computer or drain a battery. Is that not an interface with
physical things? A major discovery, using weather satellites, has shown
continuous correlation between variations in the strength of the magnetic field
and mass consciousness of Human compassion. In other words, against all
prevailing knowledge, the magnetic field reacts to international disasters and
celebrations! (**) Consciousness is related to physics. With the right equipment,
you will someday see the patterns. It's coming.
The Coming
Patterns of Humanity
What I want
to do is reveal something I've never revealed before, and that is what the
Human consciousness patterns are going to look like. Now, we've established the
premise that multidimensional physics has the potential to reveal many patterns
of heretofore invisible things. Almost everything involving quantum energy will
have patterns to see. It's no surprise. What do you think the patterns would
look like if you could see the consciousness of a person? Now, this is individual
consciousness, as opposed to mass consciousness. This pattern will be physical,
individual and will have a field. Eventually, because of this, it will be
measurable and will have patterning - the "patterning of you".
You think
this is too far-fetched? If simple discoveries and experiments have already
picked up the physics of mass consciousness change, why would you doubt that
this would then be refined in the future? What will it look like? I'll give you
two examples. The two greatest Human consciousness energy producers are in
pairs: Fear and hatred, compassion and love. They are on both ends of the
spectrum and they're both powerful, extremely powerful. They can set off
alarms; they can crash your computer; they can soften your heart; they can affect
your chemistry; and they can do it from across the room or across the planet.
Have you ever sat in a room where somebody was angry and you knew it? It's
palpable; you can feel it. When this happens, you don't want to stay there.
You'd like to leave. When someone is angry or hateful, you say, "There's a
dark cloud here." You are sensing energy and the specific patterning of
it. Would it be a different energy if that person were a master and was sending
love? Yes! Then you would say, "I love this place! I want to remain here
and soak up this feeling." You have just defined the pattern of
All energy,
anywhere in the Universe, has ways of being measured and seen. There will be
ways to see patterning in everything. It may start out as simple waves, but
eventually elegant patterns will be seen with better instruments. Those who
have sat in the room with the great masters of this planet have felt the
overwhelming love and compassion of the creative source, and it comes in waves
of euphoria. It makes you weep with joy because you're connected to everything.
That's energy! Do you see what I'm saying? Can you measure love? Yes! It's
patterned and you can see it. An entire new world will eventually open up. Let
me show you what the patterns are.
The Patterns
Now, these
are predictions. But they are predictions because of the potentials that are
coming. It's a potential so strong that it's a certainty. There will come a day
when these patterns are able to be seen. When they are Human consciousness
patterns, you're going to see something very interesting. The patterns I am
going to give you right now will be validated when it occurs. This channelling
will be heard by thousands, so it will be easy to find for reference.
let's talk about that which is the lowest consciousness, but very powerful.
Understand that low consciousness carries incredible power and so does high
consciousness. However, the low or the high is not a measure of its effective
power, but rather it's only a measure of the vibration. Do not mix this up with
frequency, for the technology of this is not that linear. What is seen in the
patterning is the vibration of thought, and where it can go or where it can't
go, or how restricted or expansive it is. Power, or force, is very profound.
You already know that. The power of hate creates evil and fear and is very
strong. The power of fear can enslave nations if they are not careful. You know
of its power from the past. So let's talk about the specific pattern it will
create on an instrument to come, measuring it with an individual who has that
consciousness will create extremely basic and simple patterns. These patterns
create or emanate a strong circle - a confluence of energy that is going to
come together to make a barrier to other higher vibrations. It's going to
appear to be a circle around the individual or the energy of the consciousness
the individual is creating. The circle is like a patterned prison, or a basic
fractal that does not repeat. It holds itself within itself, and the pattern
will not be aware of anything outside its own circle. The strength comes from
the fact that it is so powerful that others may be influenced by it and easily
join it for a stronger circle. The circle will then become wider and greater in
its entrapment of consciousness around it, creating an even bigger circle, but
only one circle.
Now, you
think perhaps I'm talking in language you don't understand? Perhaps, but here's
the point: It's simple. It's a container that is a circle and it cannot see out
of itself. It only sees itself, and it only knows of its own evil. It makes
judgments and decisions based only on what it knows within itself. It's low
consciousness. Its agenda is itself, and it sees nothing else. The circle can
enslave those who are thinking the same. It can become a larger circle but can
never get out of itself. It cannot see beyond what it knows. There is no
patterning outside of the circle that belongs to the circle. It's restrictive.
It will be profoundly obvious: Simple, low vibratory, basic survival.
Patterns - HIGH
Now let's
talk about the other one. This is a higher consciousness of love, compassion,
high-minded thinking, integrity and caring. What does it look like? Standby,
because I cannot give it all to you. It creates multiple fractals. It creates a
confluence of energy that then creates more of itself in the way of harmonics
of itself [many more fractals of higher frequencies that are specific multiples
of the original]. These fractal waves emanate outward, enhancing that which is
around it in a never-ending cycle. It's expansive; it's catchy [additive]; it's
structured in a complex fashion; and the harmonics create other fractals way
beyond their own scope. It has an influence with other matter everywhere.
So, from
the most simple to the most complex, what do you see is the real difference in
the patterns? One is restrictive and powerful by its singularity. The other one
is expansive and powerful within its multiple expansiveness. Up to this point,
dear ones, on this planet Human consciousness has tended to circle itself in
the lowest vibration possible. Hatred, war, argumentative attitudes, rudeness,
unkindness - because it was all survival. Winning was the only thing in the
circle. This is the way Humans survived! It then became group against group,
country against country, circle against circle, and that's what you got from
this pattern. It created mass death and incredible sorrow. Human to Human is
also what you got, and the circle pattern was one that the consciousness could
not expand from. So all it did was repeat itself, repeat itself, repeat itself.
Welcome to the history of the planet.
There were
no harmonics to send out, and there was no expansiveness. There was no growth
and only stagnation, and it repeated itself. It had nowhere to go, since it
could not "see" anything higher than itself.
Dear ones,
the energy on this planet is going to change the old patterns. The patterns of
consciousness lay in the attributes of the magnetic grid of the planet, as
altered by the heliosphere of the sun. This grid, combined with the new place
you are in space [where your solar system is headed], are going to modify the
patterns of both of these consciousness examples and are going to make the one
that is most complex with fractals far more powerful than the basic survival
one. Did you get this? The new energy is changing how humanity reacts to the
other Human fractals! It's time to grow up, and Human consciousness will evolve
and no longer will there be a scale of light and dark like the scales of
justice because the evil will then measure a far less powerful influence over
compassionate and complex harmonic vibrations. Light will simply outweigh the
simplistic patterns of the evil on the planet by a huge margin.
Darkness Can't See Beyond Itself
I want to
give you proof yet again of something unusual and very telling of the way low
vibration works. Within the first channel of the year [2016], I spoke about the
young North Korean leader. I'm going to do it again. I'm going to do it again
as a profound example of how low consciousness cannot see above itself. That
means that it can only work with what it sees and knows. As powerful, as smart,
as intellectual as it thinks it is, it can't get out of its own circle.
The former
leader of North Korea was a classic egotist. When he died, his son took over
and could do anything he wanted. This boy had watched his father for decades
and knew he would take over someday. Naturally, he inherited the attributes his
father taught him of self-importance, and he also became egotistically driven
to the max. When he took power, he had the choice to make changes that would
allow him to be even greater than his father. He wanted something that would
elevate his name and his position to the highest egotistic place imaginable.
His father was the model, and now he could do anything he wanted to be even
more famous. What happened is classic. He completely missed the greatest
opportunity that any man has had to become the most famous and beloved person
on the earth. The idea never occurred to him. Even though he had been educated
in the western world, he missed it.
If he had
considered the high road and included the earth instead of a restricted
population of his own country, he could have been the most famous and beloved
leader on Earth, all of his life. At the moment he took over, all he had to do
was to think beyond his circle. He was in the unique position to be a
"wild card" and do something amazing - unify North and South Korea,
drop the zone of death that was between those countries, bring families
together after generations, stop nuclear programs that he really never needed
other than to look important and, thereby, give his people abundance, food for
all and peace in his region. All of Korea would worship him and the earth would
give a sigh of relief in thanks for his wisdom and courage.
He would
have received standing ovations upon entering the United Nations great room and
they would bow before him and give him the highest peace prizes. He would have
his ego stroked and stroked and stroked and stroked and be far greater than his
father had ever been. But it never occurred to him. Instead, he perpetuated the
dark box he inherited, and now he presides over the lowest energy possible,
representing the most dangerous renegade energy on the planet. At the expense
of keeping his people poor and impoverished and creating instability in his
region, he gets to be a powerful and famous person for a moment in time from a
small population. He will not last long. He can't see that what he is doing has
no support within the majority of the planet's population, and he will lose
everything. Isn't it interesting how strong the circle is that keeps a low
vibration low. All of this is beginning to change, dear ones. If you examine
individual people and the way they act, you're going to see this coming. You're
going to recognize it.
individual comes to you and he is angry. He is rude and unkind. Everything out
of his mouth is rude and hateful, and you walk away from that experience thinking,
"What is wrong with that person?" I want to tell you this: Nothing is
wrong with him. He is simply invested in survival. Unkindness and rudeness will
get attention and will set the stage for being noticed. It carries an energy,
although it's not one that you may like, that commands attention and perhaps
even authority by fear. Again, you may not like it, but this is what someone
like this survives on, and many are this way. In an old energy, it works for
them, and there is nothing they can see to take its place. For them, it means
they will survive a world where everyone wants what they have. In fact, there
are cultures today, even today, that are invested in rudeness because they say
compassion and kindness is equated with weakness. They think, "You're not
going to conquer anyone with compassion and kindness. It's for the weak people
of the planet." From their perspective, they cannot see out of the
survival circle, so to this day they come at you with low energy force,
rudeness and unkindness. They have no idea there is something better.
When you
see this today, it's starting to smack of that which you don't want. Most of
the earth is tired of this approach and is looking for a much more elegant way
of being. A compassionate person is not a weak person at all. The energy around
a compassionate person invites you in. The energy around a rude person pushes
you out. Do you see the differences that we're talking about? Which would you
rather have?
I just gave
you the patterns. Here's what I'm telling you: Human consciousness is starting
to rise above what it was, because that which is the light and dark ratio of
the planet has changed, and the light is starting to win. It means that
compassion, integrity and kindness shine a light so bright that people will see
that far faster and easier than unkindness and force. Rudeness and unkindness
will eventually be seen as dysfunctional behavior and you'll walk away. It
tells you a lot about a person's energy and where they are and what they think.
It's old, it's survival for many, but the new survival will be light and high
consciousness and many will start to see it.
Those with
higher attributes are going to live longer. Eventually they're going to be your
leaders, and that's what you want. Elections will change because of it,
business will change because of it, and you're going to be seeing more light,
more compassion and more real solutions because of the ripple effect, where the
harmonics of the fractals go everywhere. When you're compassionate, everybody
feels it. Did you know that a compassionate person is seen as safe? Safe!
"Let's be with this person because she listens and because it's enjoyable
to sit next to her. Did you feel the energy around her? Wasn't it great?"
balanced individuals are safe to be around. They're not going to hurt you. They
are not going to compete with you or say unkind or insensitive things to you.
They're going to listen to you, and they're going to love you. You're going to
want that in business, aren't you? Is this too strange for you? Is it too
strange to think that in the future you will have this as a normality? You're
going to be able to see it and measure it, and you'll even know why it works.
It's going to change the planet.
This isn't
all science, dear ones. Human consciousness is going to eventually move out of
survival. It's going to come out of the darkness into a more elegant kind of
survival - a system where the ones who survive are going to be able to put
things together elegantly instead of conquering and tearing things apart. These
will be regular people who will look beyond judgment and will look beyond
differences in faith systems. These are individuals who will see God
everywhere, in all systems, and expect good things first. They will see
differences in belief systems in the same way there are differences in food
selections. This is a wise Human who is balanced.
coming, and some of it is here already. That's all I wanted to tell you in this
message. Where are you? What is your pattern? Are you starting to feel the
reality of this? It's beginning to be safe, dear ones. It's safe to relax and
drop your guard a bit, to look around and be more compassionate and more kind.
Some of you are still expecting something bad from left field. It's like you
came out of the cave and you're still not sure that the Bengal tiger is really
gone. The tigers are the old energy, and they are fleeing in all directions.
The remnants of this old energy, evil and darkness, are losing ground everywhere.
The reality of this diminishing darkness is everywhere, and it is starting to
show itself, focus itself, and it knows its days are numbered. When you see
this struggle, know it's good news. It means the end of this old world
consciousness is coming.
If you did
a poll of nations on the planet of men and women with families, they want
peace! They don't want to conquer each other and they don't want leaders who
will do that. They don't want to annihilate each other over limited resources
or just be powerful. The tide has changed and the consciousness of the plant
overwhelmingly wants what every mother and father wants for their children.
It's the beginning of hundreds of countries coming together and planning ways
to create a balanced peace and a oneness - to get along. Cultural differences
will always be there. But compassion and balance are common Human attributes.
You have a great deal in common that new wisdom will show you.
You didn't
have this balance 100 years ago. This is what is different today and what is
different to your future. You will stop repeating the past and instead grow in
the maturity and wisdom of the beautiful fractals and harmonics of compassion.
Welcome to
the New Earth. It's coming.
And so it
(*) This
channelling was given days before the discovery of gravity waves from the LIGO
Scientific Collaboration on February 11. Hailed as one of the major discoveries
in physics, it helps to prove Einstein's original ideas given almost exactly
100 years ago in 1916.
"FUTURE AND PHYSICS (#)" - May 16-17, 2014 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (#) New major Discoveries (This channel will become a historical channel in the future, prove that Kryon is a real communication from the Creative Source/God to Humanity - 'Our Family') - (Text version Physics)
Related Articles:
Scientists glimpse Einstein's gravitational waves— AFP news agency (@AFP) February 11, 2016
"FUTURE AND PHYSICS (#)" - May 16-17, 2014 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) - (#) New major Discoveries (This channel will become a historical channel in the future, prove that Kryon is a real communication from the Creative Source/God to Humanity - 'Our Family') - (Text version Physics)
1 To see and measure multi-dimensional/quantum physics, instrument (super-cooling quantum plasma lens)
2 Two more laws of multi-dimensional physics revealed: explanation of dark matter & acknowledgement of free energy (controlling mass)
3 God in the atom. God has - provable - part in physics. Intelligent/benevolent design. (Will bring religion and science together.)
4 Human Consciousness is an attribute of physics. (Pleiadians - Humans ancestors / Humans free choice only planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. Other galaxies have their own spiritual systems and physics)
5.Coherent DNA. Multidimensional DNA coherent between dimensions will give Enhanced DNA
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