, November
14, 2015
This live
channelling was given in Cusco, Peru in Spanish and English, the day after the
Paris terrorist attacks.
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Lee Carroll
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The channel today has many energies,
and there is much unspoken that will be said through that which is called
"The Third Language". The channel we give you today is for everyone.
It's for everyone listening, everyone who might be reading, and available for
many years to come.
We are in
Peru, at the end of the Human adventure called The Kundalini Tour. The
Kundalini adventure was named as a metaphor of an attribute of the Human body.
It represents the birth of a new consciousness on the planet and the
procreation of newness in all things. The birth of a child is so special, and
it is seen as a beginning, not an end. Birth is not seen as something dramatic
and sad. Because of the potential that is there, new life is celebrated on the
planet. That is the metaphor of the name.
You have to
understand the timing of this channelling. We sit here as a group, in this
time, and something very fresh has just happened. It involves the compassion of
the entire planet when we see what Humans can do to Humans. It was only
yesterday that the events in France took your breath away. The compassion is
fresh; the tears for the death that is senseless are fresh. There is great
suffering, and lives will be changed forever. What is your reaction to this?
There is a table in front of me that has been called the Altar of Compassion.
The room is filled with old souls. They are easily emotionally touched, but
they also have something else - something I wish to dwell on for a moment. In
addition, I want everyone to ponder something.
What is
Your Reaction?
Dear ones,
as a Human Being sitting there, can you actually affect anything around you?
Are you a receiver of energy or a transmitter or both? Most of the planet feels
they are simply receivers. They are victims of whatever happens around them.
The idea that they might be able to change the planet with their own
consciousness is simply not that which they believe. So this, dear ones, is the
change we're talking about. We have spoken of the awareness levels of Humans
before, but now I want you to use the information and not just realize it. Old
souls have tremendous energy and power in this time!
Have you
seen the news? There are those who are carrying signs and wringing their hands
in despair. They're saying, “See? The old prophecies are correct. The end is
near! It's coming! The signs are all around.” Well, I have news for them, and
they may not understand this because they feel they are victims of whatever
happens, but here is the news: The end has come and gone. The beginning is
Your Power
Old souls
who sit in front of me, it's time for compassionate action. A small group of
Humans who come together with similar thoughts and who know they are
transmitters of energy can help those left behind have peace over what has
happened. There are many people right now who need to be hugged and held and
who cannot believe what has happened. They feel that they are victims of evil
and you can change that! You can change that long distance from South America.
Distance means nothing! That idea is so linear! You can reach out to them,
without knowing their name, and surround them with the glory and peace of God.
Souls are
forever. They never die. Help them to understand this. Listen to them, don't
talk to them, and hug them. Be part of the healing that needs to be - now. You
are transmitters, and old souls do it very, very well. That's what I want you
to do right now. You've gone to class long enough. I want you to graduate right
now and put this into effect. God is inside! Now project that energy to others
who need this compassion so that their sorrow will be a little bit less.
They'll feel you. They won't know what it is, or why it is, but there will be a
peace they can have over their loss. Then when you get together as souls later
on the other side of the veil, they will be able to look at you and say, “I
felt you that day. That was you. Thank you. Thank you!” Can you do that for
That's the
first part of this channel. It's the most important thing we can tell you. You
can't sit in the chair and listen to these concepts anymore without becoming
part of what is happening on the planet. Time for action!
The Dark
Menace is Here
I have been
giving you messages of the recalibration of dark and light for years:
itself is at stake within this movement, and you've passed the marker - an
alignment that many said would never happen. This is the fifth time you've been
through this opportunity and now, dear ones, you're headed for the potential of
peace on Earth. Twenty-three years ago, we told you this could happen and that
the potentials were strong for it. Now, all that is around you is struggling
with it, for the shift is here. I'll say this over and over: The old energy of
darkness dies hard, screaming and struggling to keep what it has had, and it struggles
with its own demise. So that is the energy we speak of now, and the subject is
the Human consciousness balance between dark and light."
Kryon, Feb
2012, San Antonio, TX (*)
Over a year
ago, I also gave you predictions that the coming change will be different from
anything you have ever expected. (**) There is darkness that has come together on
this planet, and we told you it would increase. It is a response to the light
that you have turned on. It is fighting for its own life within the old energy.
A consciousness of darkness has always prevailed on the planet. Corruption and
greed, and uncaring death, have always been the way of an older Human nature.
Suddenly, in this precession of the equinoxes, the prophecies are starting to
come true. The end of the indigenous calendars predicted it, and it's here.
metaphor is clear. Light is starting to be turned on. That is a metaphor for
increased awareness - of everything! We told you many years ago that,
"When everyone can talk to everyone, there can be no secrets." This
was given before the Internet, and now you know what we speak of. This
technology is actually a tool for you to fight the darkness. I will show you in
a moment. What I give you in this channel may seem impossible. Let me start at
the beginning.
The shift
is upon you and the darkness is starting to assemble. Those who have no idea
about any of this are starting to project their fears, and you're going to hear
this in many places: “Here it comes - the end. We knew it! There's going to be
a race war on the planet.” Let me address that. That's hardly new. How linear
of you. That's been done before. Genocide - race eliminating race? That's very
old energy. It's not that at all.
Others will
say, “It's the end, and it's going to be religious war! Look! There are
billions of Christians, and billions of Islam, and the Jews in between. Here it
comes, religious war!” Again, I say to you: Oh, how linear! That's been the way
of it forever. Are you not aware that most of the wars on this planet have been
in the name of God? How old, how linear. No, that's not what is happening.
going to see something different, with a paradigm you've never experienced
before. For the first time on this planet, you have an army without borders,
without a country, even without a common language. It is an army of darkness,
and it's going to fight anything that has beauty, integrity, light, freedom,
love or higher vibrational thinking. It is going to fight all of this! Perhaps
you might say to yourself, “Kryon, how could this all fit into a new world
energy of light?” Ah, the big question!
There are several ways I can explain it. The first is that Humans have free
Does it
really shock you that darkness would fight for survival? Darkness represents
control, absolute control over everything, but mostly over money. When they
eventually are gone, economies will shift. It will be far easier to put
together new systems - for the benefit of all. As long as they exist, the
darkness will fight for the old energy of separation and control. In the dark,
greed and corruption can exist easily. In the light, they cannot. Dear ones,
this does not have anything to do with religion. It's the clash between dark
and light, old and new, the battle for the new energy is here.
Now, let me
tell you something you may find controversial. Darkness is not smart. The
metaphor is this. If you illuminate a formerly darkened area, you are more
sensible in how you navigate within it. You will do things that make sense
instead of fearing where to go. Integrity will be easier with the lights on.
This is because no one threatens you anymore. You can see into the corners. You
can see the similarities of Human to Human and be smarter. When you're in
darkness, things that are common sense are not common sense. They represent
"fear sense". You might even say that darkness is dysfunctional.
You'd be right. Darkness is even stupid. And you'd be right.
Let me ask
you a question. You see a beehive - a hive of bees and the bees are all buzzing
around. You don't like all that freedom of buzzing and coming and going, so you
take a giant stick, stand in front of the beehive, and beat on it. Do you think
that's smart? [Kryon laughter] That is exactly what has happened! Not only
that, it's going to happen again. The dark army is dysfunctional. It does not
see what is coming, for it will continue to beat the beehive, and it will do it
all over the world. It doesn't understand that every time it does this, it
exposes itself for what it is and unites the bees. However, it believes it will
make the bees afraid! They will not come out, but rather stay inside and fear
them - dysfunctional.
No More
We gave you
another prophecy years ago. No one is going to be able to sit on the fence in
the new energy. There is no government that can sit and watch, because they
will all be involved. They're going to have to make the decision to fight the
darkness or not. And if they do not fight the darkness, they will then be
vulnerable to the dark army. We told you this information years ago. All
governments on this planet will eventually be involved in eliminating the dark
army. So when the dark army beats on the beehive, those who have been sitting
on the fence will be ripped off and will see light and dark and must make a decision.
The dark army, by its very actions, is seeding its own destruction. It does not
understand light. It only understands one thing: Fear. This represents a very
old energy. It goes like this: "If you can make people afraid, you will
win any battle." This is an old energy consciousness, and there is truth
to it, if you're a victim. If you're a transmitter of light, it won't affect
you. You'll know better.
Funding is
the Grease of the Engine of Darkness
Everyone on
the planet will have to get off the fence in order to eliminate the dark army.
Now we have told you before how to do it. And politicians will roll their eyes.
Those on the inside of government who know how things work will roll their
eyes. You can eliminate the dark army without death. The very thing they're
afraid of losing, you can take from them now. Money! How does a dark army work
when they can't eat? How will they function when they have no weapons? I
guarantee you, even the darkest member of a dark army will go home if they're
not fed, or there's no one around to organize them because the leaders are
hungry and left. It's impossible, some say. The money is coming from unknown
sources, they say. Let me tell you something. No, it isn't. It is coming from
very known sources. Much of it comes from the resources of conquered land, but
not all. They will start losing their land soon, so they will need funds all
the more. If the sources of their income were totally exposed - there are those
listening who need to hear this - if the sources of their income were totally
exposed, it would make a big difference to the public, who would be shocked.
Let me talk
to politicians. You regularly sit across the table from those who are from
other countries and who are allies. They smile at you as they fund the dark
side. After all, there is money to be made with war! This has been the way of
it for years. But this won't last long. Politician, when it's found out that
you knew about it, you are the one who will be held responsible. You didn't do
anything about it.
I want to
talk to Americans, because my partner [Lee] is an American. I'm going to tell
you something now, and you're not going to believe it. Many of your hard-earned
tax funds are finding their way to the dark army! And there are those within
your government who know it. I'll give you an answer as to what to do about it
in just a few words: International transparent forensic accounting.
International transparent forensic accounting! It is time to clean up the
funding of the dark, and kill their ability to make war. (***)
I have a
warning for any of those in leadership who know about where the money is coming
from, and are not doing anything about it. Your leadership days are numbered.
The light is going to expose it and you will lose. Why not get on the right
side of the fence now?
Is this too
high-minded? Is this too simple? To think that the world could come together
and pull the rug from under the darkness where they sit and the cocoon of money
that they're in - could this actually happen? Watch for a wild card! [Kryon
chuckles again.]
If you did
this, would it change the kind of attack you had in Paris? After all, that
wasn't an army at all, but just a few. The answer is yes - for the few answer
to the many and were trained by the many. They saw the many as an established
core to work from. Without the core, there is no purpose. The few are then on
their own, without anything backing them up.
It's up to
you listening, not the ones in this room. The ones listening and reading later
may not even be into Kryon or channeling, but they hear this and know I'm
right. This is not a dark message. It's a light message! The beginning is here.
Things are changing. You are witnessing the change as we speak.
come a day when you will never see this happen again, these organized groups of
evil. This is the joyful message I have for you today. History will remember
these times when the world finally got together and realized where they were
going. It is tough now. It changes the paradigm of existence. Lives,
governments and business will all start to understand the battle is here and is
theirs to win. What is your reaction?
I want you
to congratulate, love, and understand those who were lost yesterday [in Paris].
I've said this before: They are on my side of the veil now. They're all right.
They're now looking back at you and - we have used the phrase before - they're
saying, “We did our part. Now you do yours.” They will return to this planet,
all of them, and participate in the beauty of the light you are creating at
this time of shift on your planet.
Believe me,
the end has already happened. This is the beginning.
I am in
love with humanity, because of what I have seen you do.
And so it
(*) "The
Recalibration of Dark and Light"
(**) "Revelations of Darkness"
(***) Within
days, a petition was circulating for this exact thing:
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“ .. Do Not Despair
There's too much information to give you in one channelling, in one sitting, so I refer to past messages for you to better understand and reference the information in order to get the bigger picture. So I wish to remind you of something I also told you in a recent channelling called Do Not Despair. You're winning! It's because you're winning that the dark consciousness on this planet is feeling it, and the humanity that represents darkness is pulling out everything it has to survive.
It Has Always Been There
Let's look at it, because it's all over the news. Are you shocked at the sudden existence of the organization that will remain unnamed [for this channelling]? Where did it come from? How could it be so organized? How could it be so well funded? This organization could have its own country soon! They might as well name it, “The Old Energy Dark Country”, for that's what it will represent.
The barbaric past of humanity comes forward to show its face. It has always been there, hiding under the rocks and between the cracks of civilized humanity. It couldn't show itself until now, but now it has to. It's ugly and it's not for the faint at heart, is it, dear ones? Seeing evil personified in Human action is abhorrent. It is so ugly and so dark that you cannot look upon it with a gentle heart. God is not a part of it and this is obvious.
You're winning! Light is winning! The uprising of dark consciousness would not have shown itself with this strength, or this quickly, if this were not so. This is exactly what I told you to look for, and it is proof that those representing this dark consciousness are in trouble. Dear ones, dark consciousness has always had a tried-and-true system. It lurks in the shadows and influences all the power places of the planet - government, commerce, finance. Suddenly, it can't hide there as well anymore and it's out in the open.
Where is the funding coming from? It is coming from a storehouse that has always been there, dear ones. It uses income that has been generated from low consciousness acts, collected for a very long time. Funding didn't just appear. It has been stored, waiting to be used in order to spread fear and darkness to save what they believe is their way.
Who Will Win?
Dear ones, they haven't got a chance! But it looks like they do, doesn't it? Everything that they are doing is calculated to scare you into submission. Are they winning? Now, that's a question I want you to take from here and examine every day.
Fear is black. If you're in fear, there is no light. You can be the grandest Lightworker, or even be the channeller, but if you're in fear, it doesn't matter how many years you've done light work, or how much light you've accumulated personally. It all goes away with fear, and then they've won the battle for your mind. Do you understand this?
The Strength of the Old Soul - YOU
Old souls, Lightworkers reading this, the experiences you have had over lifetimes and lifetimes are incredible! The old soul knows fear. I don't want to be too graphic, but I want you to understand! What was it like when you put your head in the guillotine because you talked about God in a way that was inappropriate? What was it like to be bound hand and foot when they lit the match at your feet? Old soul, that's fear! You carry those experiences in your Akash.
I want to tell you they haven't got a chance to scare you! You absolutely know what fear is, and they haven't got a chance as long as you cling to that part of you that is the strength of God. You've been through it all. That means you've got the weapons of truth, wisdom and light. Don't forget it. Don't forget who you are!
Do you see how fast they assembled? It seemed like only yesterday that there was no organization at all. Where did they come from? Have you noticed a certain hesitancy to fight them? Why is it that the citizens of the lands that they are invading are hesitant to fight them? Instead, these leaders are calling on others to help. Why is it that the others are also hesitant? I want to show you that there are some anomalies of logic that are not making sense, because this is a battle you have never seen before on this planet. We've expected it, but you haven't. It's about consciousness, not land or resources.
How to Win?
We gave you the secret before of how to defeat them without taking even one life: Simply take away their funding. They cannot exist without their funding. The funding has to be organized, stored, and distributed. It has to be generated in such a way that it must also go through institutions. Did you hear that? All you have to do is stop the system. Winning won't be done with bombing. It's going to be done with intelligence, clever thinking and financial forensics. It's time to get smart on some of these things and not to be afraid to look at this puzzle differently than you have before. Do not apply the energy they are using in order to fight them, because you won't win. Figure it out. It's the last bastion of organized darkness and evil thinking on this planet coming together to try to survive the assault of your light. Don't be afraid to look at the funding trail, no matter where it takes you.
Fear is Their Weapon
I want you to know something as you look at your news. It may appear that you are unable to stop them. In many places, they will gain strength as they create fear. The fear is easily created in those who are not old souls and who don't know fear like you do and who don't have the armor of your spiritual experiences. This puts you in the front line, dear one. Did you realize that? But you don't have to go fight them on their terms. All you have to do is broadcast light. High consciousness will beat fear any day.. .”
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