What are we
to make of a man who left academia more than two decades ago but claims to have
solved some of the most intractable problems in physics?
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In Eric Weinstein's mathematical universe there is no missing dark matter.
Photograph: AP
There are a lot of open questions in modern physics.
Most of the
universe is missing, for example. The atoms we know about account for less than
5% of the mass of the observable universe - the rest is dark matter (around 25%
of the mass of the universe) and dark energy (a whopping 70%). No one knows
what either of these things actually is.
At the
subatomic scale, we know there are three families of fundamental particles -
called "generations" - and each one contains two quarks, a neutrino
and a negatively charged particle (the lightest being the electron). But why
are there three generations in the first place?
And the big
one: why do the two pillars of 20th century physics, quantum mechanics and
Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, not agree with each other?
these problems, the last one in particular, has been the goal of many
generations of scientists. A final theory of nature would have to explain all
of the outstanding questions and, though many (including Albert Einstein
himself) have tried, no one has come close to an answer.
At 4pm on
Thursday at the University of Oxford, the latest attempt to fill the biggest
holes in physics will be presented in a lecture at the prestigious Clarendon Laboratory. The man behind the ideas, Eric Weinstein, is not someone you might
normally expect to be probing the very edge of theoretical physics. After a PhD
in mathematical physics at Harvard University, he left academia more than two
decades ago (via stints at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and is now an economist and consultant at the
Natron Group, a New York hedge fund.
He may have
an impressive CV, but Weinstein is in no way part of the academic physics
community. He will speak in Oxford at the invitation of Marcus du Sautoy, one
of the university's most famous and accomplished mathematicians who also holds
Richard Dawkins's former academic position as the Simonyi professor of thepublic understanding of science. Weinstein and du Sautoy met as postdoctoral
mathematics students at the Hebrew University in the 1990s.
has been working on his ideas to unify physics for more than two decades, but
he only shared them two years ago with du Sautoy, who since then has been
keenly studying the mathematics. "I get so many letters and emails to me
explaining big theories of the universe and I don't take them all so
seriously," says du Sautoy. "Eric's been telling me the story of his
ideas and what I immediately found appealing about them was the naturalness of
them. You don't have to put in extraneous things. There's a beauty about it
that gives you a feeling that there's a truth about it."
Weinstein's theory, called Geometric Unity, he proposes a 14-dimensional
"observerse" that has our familiar four-dimensional space-time
continuum embedded within it. The interaction between the two is something like
the relationship between the people in the stands and those on the pitch at a
football stadium - the spectators (limited to their four-dimensional space) can
see and are affected by the action on the pitch (representing all 14 dimensions)
but are somewhat removed from it and cannot detect every detail.
In the
mathematics of the observerse there is no missing dark matter. Weinstein
explains that the mass only seems to be missing because of the
"handedness" of our current understanding of the universe, the
Standard Model of particle physics. This is the most complete mathematical
description physicists have of the universe at the quantum level and describes
12 particles of matter (called fermions) and 12 force-carrying particles (called
bosons), in addition to their antimatter partners.
Standard Model relies on a fundamental asymmetry between left-handedness and
right-handedness in order to keep the observed particles very light in the mass
scale of the universe," says Weinstein.
He says his
theory does not have the asymmetry associated with the Standard Model. The
reason we cannot easily detect the dark matter is that, in the observerse, when
space is relatively flat, the left-handed and right-handed spaces would become
disconnected and the two sides would not be aware of each other.
a neurological patient whose left and right hand sides were not aware of each
other," he says. "You'd have a situation where each side felt itself
to be asymmetric, even though anyone looking at both halves together would see
a symmetric individual whose left hand counterbalanced the right."
He proposes
that dark energy is a type of fundamental force that could sit alongside
gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces. This force
pushes space apart and its strength is variable throughout the universe.
Furthermore, Weinstein's theory predicts the existence of more than 150 new
subatomic particles, most of them with exotic properties (such as electric
charges that are greater than one, which is the maximum seen in nature at
ideas that claim to solve all the problems of physics - so-called final
theories of everything - have come and gone countless times in the history of
physics and many are notable for emerging from outside the traditional world of
university physics departments. In 2007, physicist and surfer Garrett Lisi made
headlines when he claimed to have found a way to unify physics. Lisi's ideas
never took off, because his theories did not make enough predictions that could
be tested in experiments, the hallmark of a good scientific idea.
has not shared his ideas too widely yet. Scientists who have seen some of the
details similarly agree that there is some elegant mathematics in his 14-dimensional
observerse. But it takes more than elegant mathematics to make a good
scientific theory.
The current
leading candidate to unify the fundamental forces of nature is M theory (also
known as superstring theory), which proposes that all the particles we know of
are actually, at the tiniest scale, vibrating loops of energy. Despite decades
of effort from the cream of the theoretical physics community, however, M
theory struggles to make any experimentally testable predictions.
David Kaplan, a particle theorist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, has seen
and discussed some of Weinstein's ideas with him. On the plus side, Kaplan says
it is "phenomenal" that someone coming from outside academia could
put together something so coherent. "There are many people who come from
the outside with crazy theories, but they are not serious. Eric is serious."
But he says
the theory is incomplete and should have spent more time being critiqued by
academics before receiving any wider public attention. "What I would
encourage him to do is modest things and take steps and commit to a physical
manifestation of his theory – to say 'here is a set of instructions and a set
of equations, do this calculation and you can make the following predictions.'
And then see if his theory matches with the real world or not. He doesn't have
enough of a case. What I'd like him to do is to keep working."
Edward Frenkel, a mathematician at the University of California, Berkeley, has been
discussing Weinstein's ideas with him for the past year. "I think that
both mathematicians and physicists should take Eric's ideas very seriously,"
he says. "Even independently of their physical implications, I believe
that Eric's insights will be useful to mathematicians, because he points to
some structures which have not been studied before, as far as I know. As for
the physical implications, it is quite possible that this new framework will
lead to new answers to the big questions, after necessary work is done to make
precise predictions which can be tested experimentally."
al-Khalili, a nuclear physicist at the University of Surrey who has seen a
summary of Weinstein's ideas (but not the maths) is sceptical. He says
Weinstein will need to do a "heck of a lot of convincing" if he wants
physicists to take his ideas seriously. "My main concern with Weinstein's
claims is that they are simply too grand - too sweeping. It would be one thing
if he argued for some modest prediction that his theory was making, and
importantly one that could be tested experimentally, or that it explained a
phenomenon or mechanism that other theories have failed to do, but he makes the
mistake of claiming too much for it."
Weinstein produces a paper, physicists will remain unconvinced and, crucially,
unable to properly assess the claims he is making. His lecture at Oxford today
will give more mathematical details and Weinstein plans to put a manuscript on
the Arxiv preprint server - a website where scientists often publish early
drafts of their work, many of which subsequently get published in peer-reviewed
Du Sautoy
defends the unorthodox way that Weinstein's ideas have filtered into the world
and expects corrections and updates to become apparent. "We live in an age
where everything has to be sealed and delivered and complete when it's
delivered and complete when it meets a journal and, in fact, that's not how
science is done," he says.
theory of general relativity, he added, was not a finished product when first
presented, taking a decade of evolution and discussion to get into its final
trying to promote, perhaps, a new way of doing science. Let's start with really
big ideas, let's be brave and let's have a discussion," says du Sautoy.
"Science is very much an evolutionary process and [Weinstein's] is such a
wide-ranging theory and involves such a wide area of mathematics and physics,
this is an invitation to say, 'This is speculative and it's claiming a lot so
let's see where it can go.'"
happens, says Frenkel, Weinstein is an example of how science might change in
future. "I find it remarkable that Eric was able to come up with such
beautiful and original ideas even though he has been out of academia for so
long (doing wonderful things in other areas, such as economics and finance). In
the past week we have learned about an outstanding result about prime numbers
proved by a mathematician who had been virtually unknown, and now comes Eric's
lecture at Oxford.
think this represents a new trend. It used to be that one had to be part of an
academic hub, such as Harvard or Oxford, to produce cutting-edge research. But
not any more. Part of the reason is the wide availability of scientific
information on the internet. And I think this is a wonderful development, which
should be supported.
also see two lessons coming from this. The first is for the young generation:
with passion and perseverance there is no limit to what you can do, even in
high-end theoretical science. The other lesson is for me and my colleagues in
academia – and I say this as someone who on most days takes an elevator to his
office in an Ivory Tower, as it were – we should be more inclusive and more
open to ideas which come from outside the standard channels of academia, and
we'll be better off for it."
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"The Interdimensional Universe" – Nov 15, 2003 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll)
"The Interdimensional Universe" – Nov 15, 2003 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll)
"... There's more. I just took you on a trip to the center of a simple atom and told you that there's far more there for you to see than how it appears in 4D. Let me give you a prediction: Scientists will begin to understand this on a grander scale as they continue to look at the Universe. There's something missing within the energy measurement of "everything that should be there" for the motion and scope to exist as you see it. So what's missing? Why can't you see it? Already scientists are postulating the possibility of dark matter. This would be matter you can't see, but which must exist to enable the energy equation to be balanced. No one has said anything about interdimensionality yet, but they will. They have to, for the elegance of the math eventually will show them very clearly that perhaps what's going on in the Universe is interdimensional in its scope. What's missing in their energy computations is very real interdimensional matter.
Who said that the cosmic lattice was linear? Who said that the energy that you can't see follows the same paradigm as what you can see? Oh, before this channel is over, I'm going to give you some puzzles. So here's another prediction: Science will begin to look for missing dimensions to explain missing energy! And it's about time. And that's the way of it. So it's time to reveal the shape of the Universe, and the push/pull action within dimensional shifts that cause your Universe to do what it does, and show you what it does. Many of the things that you continually observe are hints of it, but they're misinterpreted.
In four dimensions, your physics makes a lot of sense. When you step out of 4D and become interdimensional, however, all those logical rules of physics change. We even told you the last time we were here that when you get small enough, the laws of basic physics changes, too. It also changes when you get very large. It also changes with time frames. Stay with me here, for this will be simplified in a moment. ...."
"Recalibration of Knowledge" – Jan 14, 2012 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: Channelling, God-Creator, Benevolent Design, New Energy, Shift of Human Consciousness, (Old) Souls, Reincarnation, Gaia, Old Energies (Africa,Terrorists, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela ... ), Weather, Rejuvenation, Akash, Nicolas Tesla / Einstein, Cold Fusion, Magnetics, Lemuria, Atomic Structure (Electrons, Particles, Polarity, Self Balancing, Magnetism, Higgs Boson), Entanglement, "Life is necessary for a Universe to exist and not the other way around", DNA, Humans (Baby getting ready, First Breath, Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells, Rejuvenation), Global Unity, ... etc.) - (Text Version)
Albert Einstein: The Brick Wall that Science Faces – AE in An Hour with an Angel
(MC2 to infinity [∞])
"... That one little symbol is rather important, is it not? For it speaks to the continuity and the infinite nature of creation and the universe. And here I had tried to squeeze it into a manageable form, when it was never intended to be so small.
So, I come this day in a very public forum to share that, not so much with light-workers, but this is the forum I am given to speak to the scientists, and so I take it and I give this to them..."
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