, August 12, 2012
This live
channelling was Given on the Hawaiin Cruise
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Lee Carroll |
dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There should be no reason for any
anxiety that my partner would feel in a channel such as this. In the hundreds
of times he has sat in the chair and used the portal through which his
Higher-Self comes in, a clean and clear message from a messenger he is very
familiar with comes through. Yet there is anxiety - there always is when he is
in the shadow of the mountain of Lemuria [Hawaii]. For this is an energy which
he recognizes, but he does not recognize the things that are hidden from him,
which are in his Akash.
the energy of where you sit now is ripe for information that I wish to bring
and that my partner is nervous about, only because he's home and has his most
profound Akashic remembrance here. For the listener and reader, we shall tell
where we are sitting so that you will understand. First of all, we are upon the
water. But in this particular situation [the ship is docked], we are not
moving. The past channels on board these vessels have been easier for my partner
because he and the others were moving [the ship was under way]. That is to say,
there was no grounding element at all [totally separated from the land]. But
here and now, although you are floating and although you are anchored, it is a
dichotomy you might say that you are indeed grounded by being in the
"static" [not moving] presence of the Crystalline Grid. This is a
combination that produces an energy that is unique, for the water is reflective
and so the energy is indeed similar.
Today it's
a reflective energy of the past, reflective of history, and reflective of you
and the part you might have played in this place where you literally sit
"in the shadow of the mountains of Lemuria." If I could take you back
in time, there would be no harbor here. As we have indicated before, the peaks
of these mountains were far, far higher than they are now. For a geological
anomaly involving the hot spot [the attribute of the Hawaiian mountain chain]
took place, which created a bulge in the crust of the earth that pushed this
mountain higher - not quite all the way out of the water, but enough so that
the peaks that you now call the Hawaii Islands were always covered with snow
and ice. Even glaciers formed here in Lemuria (up to 30,000 ft. high) and the
peaks of these mountains were where the work was done that is considered
sacred, and today it gives an entire different feeling to the tropics that you
now experience. Back then it was COLD!*
So now my
partner gets information about himself that he does not know. Perhaps that is
why he is apprehensive. He doesn't like the cold, even to this day. He has
selected those areas of his life, literally for hundreds of lifetimes, that
would never again put him in a situation where he would experience frozen
winters. He knows the lifetimes that have been showed him by the readers (past
life readers) of where he's been and what he has done, even to the next
lifetime of where he is going! None of them have frozen winters because of what
happened right here (Lemuria). For my partner, the one who sits in the chair,
the Human Being who is the Lemurian you are looking at was a messenger. The job
of the messenger in Lemuria was to run up and down these hills from those areas
which were not so cold to the areas that needed communication up high, for
there was no other way to communicate efficiently. So he was constantly cold.
There are places that he has not visited on this island today for that very
reason. The pathways bring up too much of a memory for him of being
uncomfortable, and it carries through to his Akash from the time he was
Lemurian to this day. So now you know why he is a "warm weather man."
The Times
of Lemuria
shifting energy is now ready to reveal many things about the earth, about
Lemuria, and about how things transpired here. Each year that goes by seems to
clear the communication on the Crystalline Grid, allowing for something to be
given that is more succinct for you, so you will have a better understanding of
the plan that took place on this planet and when it occurred.
This sacred
plan was in place in other areas for a very long time. It's a galactic plan,
and it graduated to an energy which then included you. It, therefore, started
something in this very place that was different from any other place on the planet.
This sacred plan was brought to Earth, and it was implemented all at once and
was "planetary wide." But here is where it was sequestered and
matured at a rate that created a civilization that could not occur any other
place. It was confined to this mountain, and the Humans here couldn't leave.
And so literally thousands of years went by when this particular mountain was
pushed up out of the water and the civilization lived upon it, which literally
helped create what we will call the soul seeds of the Cave of Creation.
There are a
lot of Lemurians awakening as old souls on this planet who had a turn taken
[had a lifetime] on this mountain, and the ones who sit in the chairs today are
among them. You [the ones in the group in front of Lee] will feel it at some
level; you feel it. There are some things that are hiding in the scheme of this
planet, including the real consciousness of Gaia itself, that have to do with
you. Now, I've just shown my partner what we are going to do and now he's even
more anxious. For when we get into the history and the dates and the concepts
that he has not seen before, he gets nervous. He wants it be correct, accurate,
and true to the information given him. So I say to him, "Just stay clear.
The words will come out perfectly. They will come out logically, for this is
the promise and always has been, that the synthesis of a multidimensional
being-energy called Kryon will meld in a confluence of thought and energy that
creates a three-dimensional structured conversation. This is his gift -
accurate and grounded translation of Spirit."
I wish to
again give you the timeframe of the seeding of this planet and honor your
spiritual parents, those who you would call the Pleiadians. It has been
confusing in the past, so not only do I give you the timeframe that will help
unscramble the puzzle from previous channels, but also I'm going to give you a
fact that we have never spoken of, which starts to explain something on the
planet - a question that never was asked. It's one of my specialities, bringing
up things no one thinks of, due to a 3D bias of "the way things are."
We have said recently that 200,000 years ago was the approximate timeframe of
the seeding of the planet Earth with enlightenment. But a few years ago, we
also told you that Lemuria was only 50,000 years old and that the seeds of it
were here in Hawaii. We've also given you information about what happened
100,000 years ago (actually more like 90,000 years ago). These things would
seem to be contradictory to each other if you felt that the descriptions were
of the same attribute, but they are not. So we start slowly. The question that
is never asked is this: "Why is there only one kind of Human Being on the
planet, when there are dozens of kinds of other mammals? What changed in the
evolution of Humans that would cause this?"
The Pleiadian
200,000 years ago, when the Pleiadians first came to Earth, humanity was a
group, a variety like all the other evolution on the planet. The mammal called
Human Being had many varieties of forms. Like other mammals today, variety insured
survival. Up to 26 kinds of Humans were present, but were eventually reduced to
17 kinds before the Pleiadians got here (through normal evolutionary
processes). This was the puzzle for the Pleiadians, for in the seeding of the
planet back then, the DNA had to change to allow for the spiritual, Pleiadian
DNA complement. Humanity needed to end up with one kind of Human Being, the
kind that you have today, but also to have the "DNA of the cosmos."
That kind of Human has no variety like the other mammals of Earth, as you may
have noticed or not. It's the way you are today.
So you are
unique in an evolutionary way to everything you see around you. This process
created a 23-chromosome Human Being, when all around you there were the 24 of
conventional mammals. So the fusing of portions of your DNA to create the 23
was the element of the Pleiadian who came in and gave you their DNA. In the
process, many things happened simultaneously.
When a
farmer looks at his field and decides to grow corn, he surveys it in a
different way than those who would eventually eat the corn. For the eater of
the corn would ask, "When does the corn exist for consumption?" He
would then be told, "It exists when the stalks are high and it is then
collected, cooked, and provided on the table." That would be the story of
corn for the consumer. It starts with the collection of grown corn. But the
farmer looks at it differently. He looks at the raw land that has to be
ploughed and fertilized, and perhaps turned over a few times with other crops
to allow nitrogen in the soil until the dirt is ready. Perhaps he would plant
it and then take the seedlings as they came up and turn them into the ground
again; you know the story. So the farmer would have an entirely different idea
of the story of corn.
So you have
at least two questions and scenarios, don't you? When did corn begin? The eater
gives you one answer and the farmer another. So which is which? It depends
who's asking - the consumer of the corn or the grower of the corn. Now, there's
a third question: What about the conceiver (creator) of the corn? Who made
corn? When? I give you this as an example as to why the dates are different,
and I'm going to give you all of them. Then I'm going to tell you what
happened. I'm going to be succinct and I'm not going to draw it out.
The First
200,000 years ago is when it literally began. The concept of the "divine
seeding" of planet Earth happened at that point, and the fields
metaphorically started to be ploughed. There is an issue and we're going to
call it the way species work with Gaia. This is something that happened
simultaneously with the grid creation of Gaia. For now we give you something
that no one has thought about. When we speak of the grids of the planet, you
make an assumption that these grids always existed on the planet. For the
planet is old and you might say, "Well the grids have always been
there." But I'm here to tell you that only one was always there, and
that's the magnetic grid. But it was spiritually void. That is to say, it only
had that which was created from the Earth's core movement. Today, when we talk
about the grids of the planet, our conversation involves the consciousness of
humanity, which is imbued upon the magnetic grid. We also tell you about the Crystalline
Grid and about the Grid of Gaia consciousness. Both of these react to Human
Now, here
is the puzzle: If you don't have divine Human consciousness, then what about
the grids? Do they exist without the Human Being? The answer is that they
needed to be created simultaneously with the seeding of divine DNA. So what the
Pleiadians did was not only to start the seeds of humanity's change into divine
DNA, but they created the conscious grids of Gaia as well. They had to, for the
conscious grids of Gaia are a confluence of humanity's decisions brought to
Gaia's energy. The consciousness that we are talking about is the spiritually
sanctioned Human Being that exists with a piece of God inside him, and with DNA
that has 23 chromosomes instead of the common 24 that all the others have
through biological evolution.
Let us back
up and say it again and make it simpler, my partner [admonition to Lee to speak
more plainly]. The triad of grids on this planet that we have spoken of over
and over are the consciousness grids of Gaia, and were created at the same time
as the seeding of humanity with Pleiadian DNA. For all the teachings we've been
giving, especially about the Crystalline Grid, these grids have been reacting
to Human consciousness and compassion. Therefore, the very essence of the
current Gaia energy is also related to the creation of humanity.
These are
the attributes of the Pleiadians work 200,000 years ago, and it was done
quantumly in ways that you have no conscious awareness of at the moment. For
these things are beyond your ability to understand right now, since you are
still in a single-digit dimensionality. But the result back then was "a
conscious Gaia." So you might say Gaia itself was actually created
quantumly from the Seven Sisters energy, just like you.
The Gaia
that existed before then was still Gaia, but not as it is now. It was a Gaia
that was creating the dirt on the earth and the energy of biological life of
the earth. It was the mother of all life on the planet, but not a Gaia that
responded to Human consciousness. That's very different. So Gaia greatly
expanded when the Pleiadians came, and that was by design.
It took
110,000 years for this to settle itself, and for the ground to be ready for
more than 16 species of Human Beings to leave so that only one was left. When
that occurred at approximately 90,000 years ago is when you can start
calibrating who Humans were and who they became.
The Others
Now, what
about all of those other types of Humans, and how did they leave? I'm going to give you an attribute of something
that exists even today. This is difficult for my partner, for he has not heard
this before. This information has not been brought in this fashion before. Go
slowly, my partner.
The variety
of species on this planet comes and goes accordingly as they are needed for the
energy they create. So one of the tasks of Gaia is to create and eliminate
species. When they are no longer needed for the purpose of Gaia's development,
they cease to exist and they die out. If new life is necessary, if new concepts
of life are needed, Gaia is cooperative and they are then created. The actual
creation of species is something that environmentalists have not clearly seen.
That is to say the mechanics of how it works is not fully recognized as
something that is strongly coordinated with your weather. But you have already
seen the mechanics of some of this in your long-term studies, for you have
already noted the coming and going of many species through the ages. It's
Appropriateness of the Elimination of Species
Now, along
come Humans and they see all this coming and going of living things, but they
want to save them all - all the species that exist. For in their linear mind,
all species should remain and exist, since they are here. The attribute of
Gaia, however, is to eliminate them, cull them out, to bring in new ones. I
just gave you the mechanics of the reasons species come and go. It's
appropriate and is a natural building process for new species.
When the
Pleiadians started to create the grids of the planet, Gaia cooperated in what
was to come, knew the purpose, and what was needed for survival of this new
spiritual Human. Gaia knew this since the energy of Gaia had seen it before [reason
given below]. So the old attribute, which needed many kinds of Human Beings,
slowly died out. It was natural. There was not a war. There were no horrible
plagues. There were no volcanoes or tsunamis that consumed them. Through
attrition, appropriateness, and 110,000 years, they disappeared.
approximately 110,000 years ago, there was only one kind left, and this is
science, for everything that you study will bear this out, and anthropologists
have already seen it and have asked, "What happened back then at this time
that would have eliminated these other kinds of Human variety?" It's a
puzzle in science that I have just answered, for science looks only for
physical events as triggers. But instead, it's the marriage of Gaia
consciousness that you call "Mother Nature," which facilitated this.
It's the same today when you see a variety of species diminish as Humans take
over a greater portion of the earth. I'll call this "the appropriate
elimination of unique life forms, which allow for the growth of global
awareness and quantum evolution." Some species only exist to allow others
to climb the ladder of nature, then they disappear. Gaia knows what the ladder
looks like. You don't.
Spiritual Link
historically, this "creation of one kind of Human" also started the
esoteric engine of the pattern of spiritual life on the planet, where you could
then start to measure the soul energy, a quantum energy of spirituality that is
allied to Gaia. It's the very work that you're attempting today as you try to track
the history of spirituality and what the intuition was of the creator of that
system. Human consciousness is a quantum energy and it is the sum of all souls.
Now we're
at 90,000 years ago. We are looking at the Human Being who has 23
chromosomes... the ones of the Seven Sisters. It then took another 50,000 years
for this Human to develop into a quantum, sentient Human Being who could put
together a civilization without any previous organization model. It takes
generations of trial and error for this, even though it seems normal to you
today. All cooks know that it takes a very long time to cook a quality meal.
Without a recipe or any training, how long would it take a Human who had never
seen a kitchen or food ingredients to create a truly gourmet 7-course meal
through trial and error only. It's similar, and things did not move as quickly
as they do today. This was the very beginning of humanity trying to figure out
how to make things work for groups of Humans together.
Wisdom is
learned this way, and time is the stove of the wisdom meal. The attributes of
consciousness that the Pleiadians put in place through a 23-chromosome Human
Being created growth, and every single generation got wiser with time.
Eventually, far beyond Lemuria, Human DNA would develop an efficiency that
would allow for what you see today - the divinity inside a Human Being that is
recognized and sensed almost at birth and a population of almost 7 billion
people, where more than 80% believe in the same God and even the afterlife [today's
Now we're
at 50,000 years ago. It took another 20,000 years to build the Temples of
Rejuvenation and have the old souls begin to appear, the kind that you were
part of.
Now we're
at 30,000 years ago. This truly is the timeframe of the Lemuria we speak of now
when we say, "The civilization of Lemuria." For that's a mature
Lemuria, and one that had developed spiritually far more than any civilization
on the planet at that time. The island has created a pure group of spiritually
seeded Humans. We've told you the rest of the story. When the bubble of the
earth's crust began to subside (which had lifted up the land), the mountain of
Lemuria slowly started to sink. Lemurians scattered and took to boats, not
knowing if there would be any land left.
Lemuria was in its prime, there were thousands of years where this mountain
contained an unchanging Lemuria, and it was like a pressure cooker of
information, lineage, training, and experience. It never changed, and that which
was learned here was different from the other places of the planet. In other
areas, Humans could go forth and do whatever they wanted. All they had to do
was pick up and leave! But not here (Lemuria). So here, they were forced to
find ways to deal with the common problems of living together.
So this
became the place where the Akash of humanity chose to train old souls. Humans
would come in only one time, then go back and incarnate to another place on the
planet. Therefore, there were a lot of souls who came through Lemuria within
the last 20,000 years, who lived at the base of these very mountains where you
are currently floating. It also explains why there are so many Lemurians on the
planet now - think of it as a Pleiadian school.
Lemurian Awakening
There is an
awakening going on, dear ones, and the awakening right now on this planet
involves your brothers and sisters who spent time running up and down these
hills. Many of the old souls today spent time here, and they are all over the
There was a
special group of Lemurians who were able to use the Temple of Rejuvenation (at
the tops of the mountain) on a regular basis. It greatly extended their lives.
I have discussed this for years. They were the royalty and the "keeper of
secrets." They outlived most of the other Lemurians by up to three times,
but they needed to, since they were the ones with the original knowledge. This
was the way of preserving the ancient ways in Lemuria and keeping the sacred
information pure.
As I told
you, my partner gets cold easily. He was in the Temple of Rejuvenation many
times, and this is his association with Yawee (Dr. Todd Ovokaitys), and some of
you know who this is. For as a messenger, he was the one who carried sacred
information - the secrets - back and forth to the Temples. The Lemurians of the
day did not want to share those secrets with many. Therefore, my partner had a
very, very long life. He continued to be rejuvenated in the temples as many
times as even those of royalty. This messenger lived a very long time and he
spent lifetimes as one soul here, and the whole time he was here, he was cold.
Now, for the first time, I've given my partner the reason he comes here, and
why he feels so connected to this land - and doesn't like being cold!
Gaia is
Part of You
Gaia and
the consciousness grids of this planet were all created at the same time you
were, through the same energies you were, from the same source you were. Today,
if you could go to a special exiting planet in the constellation of what you
would call the Seven Sisters, a constellation which to this day is celebrated
on this island [Hawaii], and talk to them, you would see something you
recognize. They have a name for the energy of their planet. It's not the word
"Gaia," but it's close. They also have a Crystalline Grid and, of
course, a magnetic grid. They have a Gaia-like grid. They had to, for all of
that was quantumly transported here! The very grids of this planet, the ones
that we are calling the consciousness grids, are also Pleiadian! Now you know,
and perhaps this is news you didn't expect, given to you in an energy that can
only be given as we sit here in the shadow of the mountain that used to be
enough for today. It's your history, Lemurian. So here's the invitation for
those who sit in front of me: I want to challenge you right now to feel what is
here. This is for only one reason - so that you will be spiritually rejuvenated
and so your Akash can be activated as it remembers. Let your body emotionally
validate what you already suspected: You're an old soul and there's a reason
why you're awakening now and why you're on this particular journey [the
Oh there's
more, but that's enough for now, that's enough for now.
And so it is.
Related Articles:
"The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone" - Feb 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll)
"Spiritual Logic" - Oct 15 2011 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll)
"The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone" - Feb 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll)
"Spiritual Logic" - Oct 15 2011 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll)
(Subjects: Benevolent Design, Channelling, Holy scriptures, Higher self, (Old) Souls, Universes, Big Bang, Galaxy/Solar system build for life, Astronomy, Life on Earth tried to start 5 times/ 5th time life started, Large Animals/No Humans, Asteroid belt, 7 Sisters / 100.000 year ago Pleiadian Brothers and Sisters seeded Humans on earth, DNA, Humans Ascensiont with Pleiadian DNA, Lemuria (Hawaii), 21-12-2012, 26.000 years cycle, 1987 - Harmonic Convergence (11:11), Shift of Human Consciousness, Gaia, The Humanization of God, 1991 Russia falls, 1994 started 36 years galactic window (Precession), Midpoint on 21-12-2012, Lemuria (Hawaii) center of the Earth time, Love (Mother & Child), Religion, Higher self, Global Unity,..... etc.)
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