Google – AFP, 25 October 2012
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women of the village of Plan de Sanchez, in Guatemala City
(AFP/File, Jose
Miguel Lam)
CITY — Guatemala's Mayan people accused the government and tour groups on
Wednesday of perpetuating the myth that their calendar foresees the imminent
end of the world for monetary gain.
are speaking out against deceit, lies and twisting of the truth, and turning us
into folklore-for-profit. They are not telling the truth about time
cycles," charged Felipe Gomez, leader of the Maya alliance Oxlaljuj Ajpop.
films and documentaries have promoted the idea that the ancient Mayan calendar
predicts that doomsday is less than two months away, on December 21, 2012.
The Culture
Ministry is hosting a massive event in Guatemala City -- which as many as
90,000 people are expected to attend -- just in case the world actually does
end, while tour groups are promoting doomsday-themed getaways.
Maya leader
Gomez urged the Tourism Institute to rethink the doomsday celebration, which he
criticized as a "show" that was disrespectful to Mayan culture.
Experts say
that for the Maya, all that ends in 2012 is one of their calendar cycles, not
the world.
group issued a statement saying that the new Maya time cycle simply "means
there will be big changes on the personal, family and community level, so that
there is harmony and balance between mankind and nature."
Ajpop is holding events it considers sacred in five cities to mark the event
and Gomez said the Culture Ministry would be wise to throw its support behind
their real celebrations.
More than
half of Guatemala's population of nearly 15 million are from indigenous groups
of Mayan descent.
The Mayan
calendar has 18 months of 20 days each plus a sacred month, "Wayeb,"
of five days. "B'aktun" is the larget unit in the time cycle system,
and is about 400 years. The broader era spans 13 B'aktun, or about 5,200 years.
The Mayan
culture enjoyed a golden age between 250 AD and 900 AD
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"THE BRIDGE OF SWORDS"– Sep 29, 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Caroll) - (Text version)
“… There is
no test in front of you, since you've already passed it. In your timeline,
there are 18 more years of it [the precession]. So at the end of this year, the
2012 marker at that solstice point, it is simply only that - a celebration
point in 3D time. This is where you celebrate having made it. And I suffice it
to say right now that those who created this enlightened place called Earth
know you did it. There are already celebrations in the skies and yet there are
things happening on the planet that we told you would happen, and there are
those who are worried. ..”
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“.. We wish to continue that which we told you
this morning we would do [within the seminar], a continuation of the message of
the new energy on the planet. You are half-way through the 36-year alignment
window that is what we would call the Galactic Alignment. This year, 2012, is therefore
the middle of this alignment and is the year where the energy starts to shift
and the energetic seeds begin to be planted that will change this planet from
here forth.
This is the
way of it, that it would be slower than you like. The slowness of change is due
to generations of Human Beings inheriting what you might say is new
consciousness. It also allows for those who have been born in an old energy to
exhaust that old energy in what you would call an incarnation or an expression
[one lifetime on Earth]. To us, death, therefore, is simply rejuvenation into
life. If this doesn't make any sense to you, I will then tell you what my
partner says should have been said all along: The old energy dies hard! ..”
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