As you all
know by now, the messages I channel come from a group calling themselves “The
constant companions”. I do not know how many members there are in this group,
the only thing they have told me is that they are “more than five”. This
collective of entities seems to be put together in order to convey different
kinds of topics, and the energy, content and wording in the different messages
changes according to whom it is that connects with me. Some have been with me a
long time, some come in less frequent, and sometimes they introduce a new “member”
to me in a private message. They did that two days ago, and I was told by this
new member that “he” ( a very masculine energy) was going to start to work with
me on a new project. The manuscript was going to continue as before with
regular installments from the rest of The CCs, but in addition, I will be given
new information meant for “professional ears and eyes”. I have to say that this
seems to be a daunting task, because “he” told me that they would give me
information I would not understand myself, but that they would put me into
contact with someone who will. So, I guess I have to stick my neck out and just
go for it! I do not know if any of this new work will be posted here as well.
As usual, I will be given clear instructions as how to handle it all. But at
least I have been told to post the preface of this new work here. It is called
“The apprentice’s manual”, and it looks very similar to the first part of The
manuscript. No “big news” here yet, but it seems to be a kind of mission
statement that confirms that we are in for some interesting times ahead. So
here it is:
apprentice’s manual
missive will contain interesting information, information that will not be
understood clearly just yet, as it is indeed at a level that will challenge
even the brightest amongst you. You see, this will in many ways be a revealing
of the unseen, where we, by using this channel, will divulge information that
will come in handy in the times ahead. You as a species have brought yourselves
to the brink of destruction in so many ways, but as this has been deemed to go
against the rules of the Universe, we have been given the task of bringing you
back from the precipice and helping you take a turn for the better. In other
words, you will be given instructions that will help you to literally sort out
the mess you have already made, and that will also help you see your future in
a much clearer light. This will sound silly at best, delusional even, but let
us just say that we represent a taskforce that has been given clear
instructions as to what will be allowed to happen on this planet in the next
few years. And our task is clear, you will be allowed to stay on here as long
as you comply with the instructions. In other words, mankind must relinquish
the thought that they possess the most advanced brains in existence, and they
must start to open up to the fact that there exists an intelligence that far
surpasses anything you can muster at the moment. This intelligence is not only
all-pervading, it is also set on recapturing your planet back from those dark
usurpers that have held it captive for such a long time. But in order to do
just that, we will have to set aside the old edict of non-intervention that has
been declared at the beginning of time when this planet was set aside as a
training ground, and we will have to come in and help you rectify the wrongs
that have been made throughout the eons because of this. You see, mankind on
their own would not have caused all of the troubles you see around you at the
moment, you have been helped on the way by beings with far more sinister ideas
into becoming the in many ways hapless and helpless species you are today. Make
no mistake, you are not unintelligent, but your intelligence has been thwarted
in such a way is has led you into taking so many desicions that are literally
detrimental, not just to you, but to your whole planet. So let us just say that
finally, the game has been called, and you will no longer be allowed to let
this destructional behaviour run rampant any more. Hence, the opening up of all
of these channels whereby we have started to instruct you in a better way of
We are well
aware that these messages will fall on many a deaf ear, but we will also
accompany not only this, but also the multitude of other messages like this
that are being distributed through channels such as the one we are utilizing,
with some serious injections of energy that will make an impact on even the
blindest and deafest amongst you. In other words, the time has come for the
whole of mankind to awaken, and the wake up call will be loud and clear. We
will not give any details, but we will start to amp up the volume in this
upcoming period to such a degree it will be impossible to ignore. So, to all of
you already sufficiently awakened to hear these messages at this time, we say
thank you, as without you, this next stage would never ever come about. So be
prepared for some monumental changes indeed, whether you believe in us or not,
for the time has come to sound the alarm bells that will wake up even the most
sound asleep ones. It is time to open the eyes, ears and hearts of the rest of
humanity, as you will not be allowed to continue to sleepwalk over the edge and
into the abyss.
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