Matthew |
2. We have
been awaiting these developments along with you, and we have what you could
call “bittersweet” feelings about the delay. We know that millions still are
winding up third density karma; divine grace is granting to millions more
amended soul contracts to transition early with full karmic completion credit;
and still more millions are evolving at an accelerated pace by sharing others’
karmic burdens. Yet it is sad for us, just as for you, that the topmost dark
ones still have enough influence to cause widespread suffering.
3. However,
please do not think for a moment that Earth may not make it to the celestial
window in time to enter fourth density, where darkness cannot exist. Absolutely
everything that needs to precede that momentous happening will! However,
instead of coming one by one for society’s easier assimilation and adjustment,
profound revelations and changes will be rushing far more swiftly and in larger
doses than the Golden Age master planners had anticipated.
4. It is
immensely heartening that most of you are seeing the positive perspective of
situations that the media are reporting with bleak overtones, such as potential
economic meltdown in the “Eurozone” and the global boomerang effect, upheaval
in several governments creating national instability, and citizens protesting
intolerable circumstances in one country after another. You see those and other
tumultuous situations for what they are: essential steps toward initiating
systems that are based in fairness and honesty and having leaders with moral
and spiritual integrity.
5. Because
the dissemination of accurate information is crucial, another good indicator of
the light’s progress is that mainstream media censorship clearly is on the
decline. For instance, even though the Vatican is one of the kingpins under the
Illuminati umbrella, it now is public knowledge that investigation into the
Vatican’s financial affairs is underway. Ultimately this will lead to
uncovering the cesspool of darkness in that tiny sovereign state, including that
it is the international headquarters of satanic worship and a vast storehouse
of stolen art treasures.
6. More and
more often news commentators and well-informed guests are condemning the lack
of holding accountable the persons responsible for the world’s dire economic
condition. They are specifying how governments are failing to serve the best
interests of their citizens, showing statistically why wars are both futile and
senseless, and acknowledging that media have not met their responsibility to accurately
inform the public. They are enumerating practical ways to recover economic
stability and reform governments, the benefits of ending all wars, and how
media can and should be educating the public.
7. No
longer are the voices of those individuals and others, whom you call
whistleblowers, confined only to the Internet — they’re going “mainstream.”
While they see themselves as simply speaking out honestly, frankly and
pragmatically, the brilliance of their auras identifies them as spiritually
evolved souls who came from advanced civilizations to be way-showers.
8. Other
indications of the light forces’ progress aren’t getting that kind of
“listen-up!” attention. Some news is distorted or incomplete because the
reporters simply don’t know more than the information they are given. Accounts
of the nuclear reactors in Japan are ominous because it isn’t known that
spacecraft crews are using their technology to reduce the toxic effects of
radioactive emanations from the Fukushima facility and to prevent more damage
Reporters don’t know that the crews are alleviating the most harmful effects of
chemtrails, whose very existence still is not widely known, and health-harming
pollution from a variety of other sources. As for all the talk of potential military
action to curtail the spread of nuclear weaponry, it isn’t known that in
honoring Earth’s desire that her residents stop killing each other, God has
authorized the crews in spacecraft and on the ground to prevent the functioning
of all nuclear weaponry. When the effects of what is called global warming are
recounted, most often it is with grave concern because who among your
scientists would give credence to the assurance that this is Mother Earth
returning to her original moderate climate worldwide?
10. Then
there are the situations that are well known by the Illuminati who own media
conglomerates and still have enough control to keep some facts quiet. As one
example, films and statistics show that recent earthquakes and storms have
resulted in many fewer deaths and less property damage than previously. What
isn’t reported is why: The Illuminati’s technology that enables them to
originate earthquakes and intensify storms is being “jammed” by our universal
family so that Mother Nature can carefully release negativity until all of that
force is gone — and soon it shall be.
11. Earth’s
intention is exactly the opposite of the Illuminati’s, which is massive loss of
life, devastating damage and the affected area’s economic ruin, all of which
produce more negativity for Earth to deal with. With thanks to our universal
family’s technology that can level out the effects of quakes and veer mammoth
storms away from coastlines, the Illuminati never managed to achieve the vast
extent of death and destruction they intended.
12. You
have the advantage of knowing what we and many other messengers in high
stations have been transmitting to our respective receivers. By far, you are in
the minority. Most of your world’s people still are rooted in third density’s
limitations, which makes them especially vulnerable to fear, the ultimate
producer of negativity. Whenever there is an opportunity to share your
knowledge with persons who are fearful because they don’t know what you do,
please enlighten them to the extent they are receptive.
13. Your
calm yet excited energy alone will go a long way to easing others’ fears, and
it is realistic to anticipate that many will need your help in that respect as
well as compassionate understanding. Thus far only the tip of the iceberg is
obvious even to you, but during the next few months, happenings will be
breathtaking in scope and speed.
14. Along
with your awareness of what is ahead in these waning days of third density,
there is some confusion about how to prepare to physically ascend with Earth,
who will go along with her, how to know if you are absorbing light, what
density is, NESARA’s provisions, what will happen at the end of this year, and
what life will be like in the Golden Age.
15. In
previous messages we have covered these areas quite extensively. It would be a
disservice to long-time readers to repeat those explanations and a disservice
to persons who are newly awakening to offer only a comment or two. We
understand that with time passing so quickly, it is difficult for you to manage
all responsibilities, much less search through our messages to locate
clarifying information. Therefore, I have asked my mother to do this and to
note the dates of messages that include the most explanatory coverage of those
areas in question or where misconceptions abound — the dates will be inserted
at the end of this message.
16. Since
the prevailing vibrations are conducive to the opening of telepathic
connections, it is essential that you know how to communicate with only the
sources you want to — dark entities are just as eager to connect with you as
light beings are! The precautions that apply to receivers of telepathically
transmitted messages for distribution apply equally to you.
17. Prior
to initiating telepathic communication, ask for protection of the Christed
light and demand that only light beings may connect with you. Never try to
communicate when you are in ill, fatigued, beset with worries about self or
loved ones or financial straits or any other stressful condition or situation.
During those times, an effort to speak with a loved one is instead an
invitation to base entities because your energy level is too low to reach souls
in the light. Humility and gratitude about having achieved telepathic
communication carry high vibrations that reach sources in high vibratory
levels, whereas the low vibrations of vanity and egotism automatically connect
with dark entities. Mother, thank you for searching for prior messages that may
include this topic as well as the aforementioned issues.
18. Many
are wondering how resolution ever can come out of the many forms of religious
and governing ideologies that are the foundations of prevailing belief systems.
People whose minds and hearts do not open to the truth about the sinister
reason behind the formation of those conflicting convictions no longer will be
on the planet to fight for their beliefs to reign supreme. By the laws of
physics that govern life in this universe, a closed mind cannot absorb the
light that enables physical survival in the higher vibrations of fourth
density. Earth’s residents in her Golden Age will choose to live in peace and
harmony with each other and with all of Nature.
19. To the
reader who is concerned about the destiny of psychiatric patients, who are
independent souls with a wide range of conditions that affect each uniquely,
all we can offer is what is likely generally and by no means is
patient-specific. Those who have no brain damage, whose relatively sound mental
abilities have been stultified by prescription drugs, may respond positively to
the high vibrations and attain full rational functioning. However, decisive
factors in every case are soul contract provisions and the degree of light the
body has absorbed; a person whose behavior isn’t harmful to another, but simply
doesn’t conform to superficial societal expectations, can indeed absorb light.
It is likely that the most gravely mentally ill patients, those labeled
psychopaths, will die because their depraved urges and actions are bereft of
light. In any event, no one will be institutionalized or imprisoned after the
Golden Age gets underway.
20. Because
it offers an excellent forum for an explanation of great importance, we address
a writer’s suggestion, offered some time ago: on Memorial Day in the United
States, the truth be told to the world about who starts wars and why so that
“never again will people have to fight and die ‘for freedom.’” We honor the
writer’s intense desire for peace in your world, but especially on that
emotionally-charged day of commemoration to fallen soldiers, the truth about
war could not have been told.
Grieving families and friends of troops who have died don’t want to hear that
their beloved persons did not die to protect their own nation from oppressors
or to help another nation achieve freedom from tyranny. Veterans whose severe
wounds have caused physical pain and perhaps loss of limbs don’t want to hear
who actually benefited from their service, and neither do those who are living
with nightmares about their wartime experience want to hear that truth. Troops
still in combat zones or stationed in foreign countries in an occupation
capacity don’t want to hear the real reason they are far away from home and
22. Beyond
those myriad personal situations, beyond the civilian casualties in war zones,
and beyond the financial burdens to the peoples whose nations are at war is the
global emotional impact. It can be said that the condition coined post
traumatic stress disorder is endemic to Earth. No one is immune to this battle
energy that permeates your world, no one can escape the ravages that centuries
of bloodshed have inured generation after generation to accept as humankind’s
nature and lot in life. Yet, the fear of dying is just as pervasive, and that
sets up a paradox that minds have to come to terms with.
23. There
is another vital factor — the soul’s composition is love energy. The soul knows
that it is not human nature to fight one another to the death because each is
part of the Oneness of All. The soul knows that life is eternal, that physical
death is only a transition to the next lifetime in spirit, where it prepares
for the next embodiment.
24. The
psyche’s continual subconscious juggling act with soul knowingness keeps the
psyche in fragile condition. That is exactly the intention of the dark forces,
whose ultimate goal is to capture souls. They are manipulating their Earth
puppets to be tenacious in perpetuating the war mentality and fear of death because
the negativity produced can fracture psyches and prevent absorption of the
light that connects the consciousness and the soul. The collective juggling has
paralyzed the civilization into accepting what is force-fed as “patriotism” and
all who fight and die are “heroes.” The collective psyche would suffer a severe
trauma if this truth about war came forth in one fell swoop.
25. When
veterans join with others in peace rallies, worldwide meditations for peace,
and internationally respected leaders negotiate peacefully with enough
frequency, forcefulness and publicity, minds are stirred. People who formerly
accepted official reasons for going to war start questioning, pondering, and
then “see the light” that enables psyches to more easily assimilate shocking
information — day by day, this is occurring to persons around the world.
However, there isn’t much time left for the masses to reach that level of
consciousness about what is behind wars or religious dogmas or any other facet
of life that is of dark origin and intent. The light that would let individuals
avoid severe psychic trauma is the same light that would enable them to
physically ascend with Earth. Many will not be ready to accept that for
millennia Earth’s population has been controlled by darkness through fear,
deception and various forms of mind control.
27. Please
understand that these people are doing what is right for them. Every soul
becomes enlightened at its own pace, and divine grace offers each as many
opportunities as needed to accept the light within truth and spiritually
evolve. Be heartened by knowing that even though paces of evolvement differ,
reunions of beloved souls take place in compatible energy planes.
28. Now
then, we shall briefly address other areas questioned by readers whose concerns
are shared by the many people who have no idea where world events are leading.
If not initiated prior to Earth’s entry into fourth density at the end of this
year, the following changes will occur in increments soon afterwards:
29. Nuclear
power plants will be dismantled, no new facilities will be built, and stored
nuclear waste will be rendered harmless. The process called fracking will cease
and oil drilling equipment and rigs will be eliminated along with above ground
power lines.
30. Cell
phones will become safe, and the use of surveillance cameras, communication
systems and other monitoring devices will end.
Elements in foods that are harmful to bodies will be destroyed. Medical
procedures that are more damaging than beneficial to bodies and minds will
stop, and so will sonar testing that is harming or killing marine life.
32. Laws
and cultural customs that curtail human rights will be stricken and proposed
regulations for such purposes will not be enacted.
Educational systems will give everyone on the planet access to accurate
information via computers and printed material. Fair reallocation of the world’s
resources will be done as expeditiously as possible.
34. And the
sun’s activity is all to your benefit!
35. With
confidence and joyousness, you will master any complexities during these last
transitional steps into Earth’s Golden Age. Never are you alone — the love of
countless light beings has been with you all along this universally
unprecedented journey.
LOVE and
The Matthew Books
36. The
following references are on Matthew’s Messages page on
Preparing to physically ascend with Earth, who will go along/who won’t and why,
how light is absorbed and signs that you are absorbing light often are
interwoven, so references to all are listed under Ascension. Messages dated
July 25, 2005 and earlier, which have important background information, are not
in chronological order — this occurred as my webmaster was transferring
messages to the new site she is developing. It’s doubtful that I located every
topic’s best clarifying coverage, but this combination of references will be
- February 1,2012, paragraphs 13-14
- January 4,2012, paras 13-17
- December 5,2010, paras 12-24; 31,32
- September11, 2010, paras 6-8
- October 19,2009, paras 9-13
- September21, 2009, para 28
- October 22,2008, paras 23-27
- August 29,2008, paras 15-21
- August 1,2007, paras 4-41
Golden Age
- April 1,2012, paras 18-27
- October 10,2011, paras 19-28
- October 19,2009, paras 14-19; 22, 23; 27
- September21, 2009, paras 10-13
- December31, 2007 – Essay on 2012, entire message
- May 26,2009, paras 16-19
- January 20,2009, paras 9-13
- SpecialNESARA edition, below the message dated September 11, 2006
- December13, 2004, paras 3-5
- May 7,2004, paras 1-8
- December31, 2003, paras 25-30
Telepathic Communication
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