Anti-psychotic drugs do not benefit many dementia patients
Needless use of anti-psychotic drugs is widespread in dementia care and contributes to the death of many patients, an official review suggests.
About 180,000 patients a year are given the drugs in care homes, hospitals and their own homes to manage aggression.
But the expert review - commissioned by ministers - said the treatment was unnecessary in nearly 150,000 cases and was linked to 1,800 deaths.
The government in England has agreed to take steps to reduce use of the drugs.
These include:
- Improving access to other types of therapy, such as counselling
- Better monitoring of prescribing practices
- Guidance for families explaining what they can do if they are worried about drug use
- Specialist training in dementia for health and social care staff
- Appointment of a new national director for dementia to oversee the measures
Over the past 30 years, the NHS has increasingly turned to the treatment, which was originally aimed at people with schizophrenia, as it has struggled to cope with the rise in people with dementia.
'Different mindset'
There are currently 700,000 people in the UK with the condition, but this is expected to rise to one million in the next 10 years because of the ageing population.
The review, led by King's College London expert Professor Sube Banerjee, accepted that for some people anti-psychotic drugs would be necessary.
But it said they should be used only for a maximum of three months and when the person represented a risk to themselves or others.
Professor Banerjee estimated that of the 180,000 people given the drugs each year, only 36,000 benefited.
He said health and social care services needed to develop a "different mindset".
He believes if the steps the government has agreed to are followed, anti-psychotic drug use could be reduced by two-thirds within three years.
Care services minister Phil Hope agreed action was needed.
"We know there are situations where anti-psychotic drug use is necessary - we're not calling for a ban, but we do want to see a significant reduction in use."
Neil Hunt, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Society, said the long-awaited review was a welcome recognition of the scale of the problem.
He added: "This goes beyond quality of care. It is a fundamental rights issue.
"Our members tell us of enormous worry and distress over what is happening to their loved ones."
The Royal College of GPs - in most cases the drugs are prescribed by family doctors - admitted the situation was "unacceptable".
President Dr Steve Field said: "People deserve much better."
While the review was commissioned by the government in England, ministers elsewhere in the UK have agreed to study the recommendations.
1 comment:
I know your family loves you very much and they miss you a lot. They just needed a change in their lives. Hoping for a good change, they had to move away. You had nothing to do with that. So don't even think that they left because they don't love you or anything, it's just because of a bunch of d bags around here. And I think you have a good life. Lol you may not have faith in faith, but trust me faith has faith in you. Just look up and it's all gonna be better, I promise! :-)
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